Monday, August 26, 2024

Still hanging in there

 It's been a hard year. I suspect I'm going to be using a walker forever. I can live with that but it doesn't make me happy. I've fallen five times now and that's made me very nervous about falling again. emts had to come three times just to pick me up and I half expect I'll fall and break a hip one day andAA end up in a nursing home. I sure the hell hope not! I will most likely die here though. Jenni is such a good caregiver but I worry constantly that I'm too much for her. She fell and broke her shoulder a while back so that's limited what she can do to help me. 

And of course there's always that MS she has too.

I spend my days watching tv, working jigsaws,.and napping. I'm tired all the time. I have just recently tried using my computer.

And that is all I have for now.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

a short blog

I'm so behing in bloggging and this post won[t amount to much as it[s stillhard for me to type. It's been a hard summer for mel Have decided I probbly can[t live alone so I[m goiin to live with Jenni in Ps\And typing continues to e hard so that's all for nowl

Friday, May 31, 2024

I'll be glad when this week is overs' ss

 Mysurgeon doesn't like the looks of my knee so this 

Tuesday it's back under the knife I go. I'm not happy but perhaps I'll have less pain now

i think I'm going to need a new computer too. Oh lucky me!

Friday, May 24, 2024

What a week!

 This coming Thursday I find out if my knee has some kind of infection in it. If it does I may have   to go into the hospital for six more weeks. You can imagine how depressing that is. On June 8th I'm moving into Avamere in Port Townsend....or the family will move me in and I'll have to wait six weeks to see the place. I pray this doesn't happen.

I've been in and out of doctors offices. Knee surgeon my regular doctor, and my blood doctor. I'm sick of it!

On the plus side (I think) is that I just sold my car. Didn't want to but insurance is $942 a year and my budget can't handle that with Avamere's high rent. Hated to see her go. Carvana did give me over $9500 though.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be well again.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

oh My!

 dumped over a full glass of water by my bed during the night. Got up at  to finish sleeping in my recliner then I couldn't get it down. Thank goodness Jake is an early riser. He got me out of the chair and by then I was so tired I had to ask Mary to make my toast.

My goal today is to put away all the clothes in my bedroom. Tomorrow  I have a caregiver coming andI'm thinking of letting her do it.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

still under the weather

 Some days I can hardly walk and it's really pisses me off! Mary has health care workers coming Tues and Thursday through May from 8 to noon. We went to doctor yesterday and besides bad blood numbers I also have a UTI. Oh swell. I'm still not eating much and have lost 24 lbs. I'm terribly thirsty though. And for some reason I've been cold.

Mary decided I've got dementia. We had words over that one.

Gonna turn up the heat now.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Update from Joycie-poo

Typing as become too difficult for Mom to do so I’m (Mary) typing as she dictates to me.  She loves bossing me around, so this is dreamy for her.

She did physical therapy today and did really well. We discussed with Eric, the physical therapist when she could get out and we are targeting April 24. Mom is motivated to blow this joint. 

She said to tell you the food here is pretty good, but she can’t eat very well due to a canker sore in her mouth. She’s eating yogurt and using oral meds to help the healing. Docs said no worries about it yet. Its been an experience, that’s for sure. 

I’ll be gone to Phoenix April 19-23.  Mom will be at the rehab facility. If you’re in Vancouver, stop by. PM me for the address.

Mom says thank you for the calls, cards, and kind words. She’s getting them and will try to respond when she gets home.