See that big plastic ball on my table? It's a game Jenni wants to play when we go to Mary's on Christmas. When it's your turn, you have to start unraveling the plastic wrap to get to various prizes contained within. The next person to play is throwing dice and trying to get doubles so they can have at it at the ball and then they get any prizes they accumulate until the next person gets a double. There's dozens of stuff in there too! Gift cards, soaps, painted rocks, gloves, candy, odds and ends.
At the end you can trade prizes with other people if you want something they have and vice versa. (It's various pieces of plastic wrap; not just one long piece so it's harder than it looks)
Been kind of a lazy day for me. I've been cold and trying to keep warm as best I can. Woke up too soon again so I've been in a bit of a sloggy daze. It's 7 pm now and I'm super tired but am determined to stay up until 9 or 10.
Am enjoying the hummingbird feeders I've hung on the porch eaves on the deck 'cause now I can watch them feeding as I sit in my recliner. They found the feeders almost immediately.
I hung some outdoor lights on the feeder in the front to see if it would help keep the water from freezing but I don't know if the lights were a heavy enough wattage to work.
I have nothing on my agenda for the weekend (or all week really) so I'm hoping I can get some writing done on my book. Jenni's at one of Maddie's basketball games right now. I was too cold and too achy to tag along. And I don't relish trying to get up and down on those bleachers. Jenni shouldn't be climbing them either as her balance can be iffy sometimes. She's got a 9 a.m. doctor appt on Tuesday at Swedish but has told me she's going alone because she has a second appt afterwards and it's too long a wait for people to sit. She insists she'll be fine driving but I'm still worried about her. She'll probably do better than I would (everything makes me nervous) but I don't like her being on the road early in the morning when it's been freezing overnight. I'd like to ask Wayne to take her but she doesn't want him to miss work and insists she's fine. Just hate it when my kids won't listen to me.
Gotta go put some eyedrops in now as my eyes are acting up from the heat being on. I think I'm going to go buy a different brand tomorrow. The one I have is for allergies and it makes my eyes burn so I suspect I'm allergic to something in it. Damn cold weather is doing a number on my skin too. I feel dry and chapped and itchy and my hair looks like crap! But then it always does.
Sure hope my laptop continues to keep working as I still can't get online with my other computer. Won't accept the password I had last time I used it. My phone wouldn't let me take pictures yesterday. Said I needed to clear out storage. I didn't know what that meant as I don't have photos or videos on my phone. I deleted my music (don't really listen to it on my phone anyhow) and deleted Instagram 'cause I wasn't using it as well. Must have worked 'cause now I can take pictures. The pictures aren't all that great so I generally always carry my camera. Okay, I guess I've rattled on long enough now.
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