Got up at 7:15 and went to Safeway at 9:15. All I really wanted was some kind of pastry. When I left the store and climbed in my car, I realized I had bought a few items but no pastry. So it was off to QFC because I still wanted pastry! Ended up buying half a cake. Used to be I would never buy a cake as I could bake my own but nowadays it's too much trouble. Seems like a lot of things I used to do are now too much trouble. But I won't make it a habit buying pastry because the prices have increased a tad too much. I was happy with my meat purchases at Safeway, though. I only bought a pkg of ground turkey and a large pkg of chicken legs. The legs had 14 in there and only cost me $5.80. That was a good price. I usually cook two legs at a time in the air fryer and if the legs are fairly large, I'll just go with one in the fryer. Makes for an easy dinner with a salad and/or potato.
I went to bed at 9:30 tired to the bone (as usual). Not sure why but I assume it's because I'm 79. I lay in bed and just groan from fatigue. And it's not like I did anything strenuous that day either! My usual routine is to sleep two or three (sometimes if I'm lucky, four hours. Then I transfer to my recliner for the rest of the night. I might wake up 3 or 4 hours later and still be very tired and I'll transfer back to my bed.This routine has really become a routine even though I tell myself each night that this time I willl stay in bed. I never do. The hardest part of my day (or night) is rising from bed. It hurts my right hip and leg so bad! I grab the walker and walk a few steps and then I'm halfway okay again. I don't understand why this is happening. My xrays have showed my hips are fine and I don't need a replacement yet my hip is killing me. It could be my back, I suppose but my back doesn't actually hurt. I don't know that I'll ever get any relief from this pain. I've gone to the local orthopedic guy before and he's given me shots in my hip but the last time I went, he was convinced I really needed to see an orthpedic surgeon to look into surgery.
Well, I did that and ran into too many roadblocks. I've pretty much decided now I won't go down the surgery road. I did get a call yesterday from the hemacology/oncology office telling me I could come in April 4th for a video appt. I asked why I had to do that and couldn't just have a video from my apt.She explained it was something special where they took my blood pressure. She obviously didn't explain the process well because I thought that was lame. Whatever. You pretty much have to jump through their hoops. At least I will get to talk to a hematologist and I'm hoping he/she can tell me exactly what my blood problem is. If I don't get an answer I'm going to be plenty ticked off! Do I sound like I have a chip on my shoulder? Well, yes, I guess I do when it comes to doctors these days.
Today I may go for a ride as I have a couple of books I want to deliver. Otherwise, it'll be the same ole thing I did yesterday --- a little sewing, a little reading, a little jigsaw working. And watching golf. My sister came over for an hour yesterday to go on Amazon and do some shopping.She still hasn't received an okay to move across the hall but she's hoping for this Sunday.
My friend, Barb Shaw, is also planning a move. She has a real cool apt over a garage but the steps up to it are super steep and the manager let her out of her lease because he had another renter willing to move it right away. Barb is going to the apts. on Harrison St behind the library. Linda Pedersen's folks used to live there. Ideal location and I'm happy for her.
I started watching a movie on Showtime last night that was quite good but I got too tired to finish it so I'll do that today. Shirley Valentine. She played the ditsy maid on Upstairs Downstairs.
Well, I'm feeling kind of stuffy in the head today. More than I usually do so I wonder if it's allergies kicking in. Maybe I'll hunt around in the medicine cabinet and see if I have any pills that might help that. For now, I think I'll go into the sewing area and do up three strip squares. I'm hoping to do at least three a day so I don't get bored with the project. I think they're having some kind of St. Patrick's Party downstairs at 4 today. I don't usually go to those but I hear there's gonna be food. haha
And that's it for my end of the week blog. Nothing much to write about except my aches and pains.
My sewing project now is to use up the many strips I've got set aside. I'm sewing them onto a piece of material and each square will eventually be put in a quilt.
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