It;s 3 pm on a Thursday after noon but I will only get a little bit written today as I keep making typos Too much to Share in one sitting anyhowl I've been wanting to blog for days but just didnt' the energy. Mary took me to Peace Health hospital onMarch25 andhere it is April 11 and I'm not close to coming home.
The hospital stay was okay but I had some additionalproblems. I wasn't peeing or pooping and my white blood count was low. I quit heating becasue I had no appetite and mymouth hurt. I was on Oxycotin but Marywantedmeoff of as got werird. At one point they were wheeling me in for a cat scan but I managed to get it in my headthat they were going to kill me. I asked to use the phone andimmediately called 911.The nurse explained what was going onwith me any they decided to wheel me back to my room.
A few days "?) later they transferred me next door to the rehab center.
I was much happier there. I have a room to myself, tv, toilet and a wheel chair and porta potty. The staff help meget up and outof bed. I can getup by myself now but I injured myelf yesterday andnow I can't get back in bed without help. I have a super nice phy. theapist ,well two of themreally plus several othere folks who drop in. Each has their own title. I was planning on coming home next week but since I hurt my knee again I'm still doing therapy --and oh how it hurts.
I'll write more tomrrow.
Here's a pic Mary took of me. AS you can tell I've lost weight.
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