Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Eve Day

Whew!  Just did some winter chores and it took all my energy to finish what little I did.  I'm going to have to work harder at accepting the fact I just plain can't go at the speed I used to. And I can't do as much.  Have to break it down into steps.  And I can do that. My hands are like ice (and I did my chores with gloves on!)  Good excuse to finish round one and come in here for a second cup of coffee and a REST.

I pulled (one at a time) the two large garbage and recycle bins from the alleyway to the back deck. At least with every other week pickup, I won't have to mess with that for a while.  I used my walking stick to maneuver around the deck, the steps, and the yard. Mighty cold and slippery out there.
I took the Xmas lights off my little tree in the back and put them away along with the extension cord. (Leaving my laser lights out for a little longer. I so enjoy looking at them)  In the front, I took the lights off the handrail and the bird feeder stake. I moved the last of the inside decorations to the garage and while I had intended to put them all way neatly, it just got too dang cold. Another time. Besides which, I was starting to tire.  I'll tidy up the garage when the temperature gets a little higher.

I programmed ESPN2 into my tv channel log so I can watch the football game at noon and I think that's gonna be the extent of my chores today.  Am playing with the idea of making a quick Goodwill run just to see what's there.  Am looking for a small bag to keep in my bigger purse to hold gum and lifesavers, etc.

I got a lot of work done on my book yesterday so that was satisfying.  Editing mostly but it all takes time.  Was thinking of setting up another jigsaw puzzle but decided against it as I've put three or four up and taken them down again before completing them.  I don't need another distraction when I'm trying to be diligent about my book.  Just avoiding my sewing machine is hard enough.  Especially when I sit in here at the computer and notice all the material surrounding me and calling my name.

I did pull out the machine for a while yesterday, though, as I needed to mend this quilt where the backing wasn't sewn on very well.  It was my hand sewing, of course.  I still have a lot of work to do as far as improving my hand stitches.  Too impatient I suppose.

I ordered HBO last night.  Saw a few things advertised that  I wanted to see and Netflix and Amazon were getting a little boring.  I'll only keep it for a month or two, though. I figure by then I'd have seen most of what interests me.  I watched a couple episodes of Divorce with Sarah Jessica Parker and it had better pick up because so far, I'm not impressed.  Jenni wanted to see my Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 so we watched that. (It was sappy)  She laughs and is entertained by a lot of things that I think are dumb. Age difference I guess.  We do laugh at a lot of the same things, though. Usually instances where people are falling down or getting hit or embarrassed or having some terrible insult thrown at them.  We both seem to enjoy accidents happening to somebody else.  We're mean girls.  ha ha ha ha

Well, if I want to watch football at noon, maybe I'd better run an errand or two now.  We have absolutely nothing yummy to eat in the house. Nothing.  Gave it all away intending to change my bad eating habits. But hell, tomorrow is the 1st. I'll start then.

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