Monday, September 23, 2019

The first day of autumn

I've got a new roommate.  Her name is Alexa and I have to be careful what I say around her.  She sure knows a lot of stuff.  Thank you Jenni and Wayne.  We went out for breakfast yesterday morning and boy, was it delicious. In a couple days I'm going to lunch with Sue at the casino. Here's hoping I do better than I did last week. expectations.
I went to lunch with Ann Robson and Mary this afternoon at the same place I went to breakfast with Jenni and Wayne.

Mary, who always spends entirely too much money on me gave me this very interesting "kit" that I will no doubt be working on for a year.  You wouldn't believe how intricate this whole project is. The instruction booklet alone is 22 pages with stuff like this:

This particular kit is called Miller's Garden and it's basically a minature 3-D display of a garden full of various items.

After lunch we drove over to Highland Commons so they could see what it looks like. I didn't catch the manager as she was showing a unit but we did visit with the maintenance guy a couple minutes to ask what the average wait time is. He said a year but it varied. Sigh....I already knew this but I keep hoping I won't have to wait that long.  I suppose I'd be better off just getting on with my life and keeping busy around here with one project or another. Doesn't seem to be any other solution as this whole relocation adventure is out of my hands.

I was able to unload a few more things from around the house and garage the last two days. Mary took two lawn chairs (for Catie) and Catie plans to come get the table and umbrella next month. A couple came by yesterday and took all the tables I had in the garage. What a relief. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to GIVE stuff away but it was a challenge.

Had three birthday calls today. Catie, cousin Linda in KY, and my step-sister, Shannon in Yelm.  I think I'll sit down and write a couple or three letters this week for the nice cards I received.  It sure did rain today.  First time I got to use my new rain hat.  I plan on staying in all day tomorrow. Have some sewing to work on and may set up a jigsaw puzzle.

I didn't sleep that well last night but something tells me I won't have that problem tonight.  I'm putting the foam topper back on my mattress and I always seem to sleep like a baby when I do that.  Mary and Ann were both amazed at how empty the house is since I downsized.  It does look mighty bare in here with nothing on the walls, no books, no knickknacks, and very little furniture.

I'm going to see if I can sign up for a two-bedroom at this new place I'm waiting to get into as I'm just not sure if the one bedroom will be large enough. On the other hand, it takes longer to get in to a 2-bedroom and the price is at least $100 more a month.  Since I'll be able to store things at Jenni's, I suppose I'd best make the smaller living space work for me.

Tomorrow I'm starting my own physical therapy routine. I have been using steps one foot at a time for so long that my right knee and leg is fighting me as I attempt to go up and down like a normal person. I never should have allowed that to happen.  Seems like I always have to learn things the hard way.

Guess I'll heat up some of that leftover soup I can have another piece of that yummy white cake Mary brought.

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