Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday afternoon

I wondered all morning what kind of a day we were going to have. Now I know. A hot one.  I have to shut my drapes in the afternoon as one side of the house is all windows and it warms up fast.
I just spent the last hour repacking some boxes and bins in the back bedroom. I wanted to get my Xmas decos in a little bit bigger bin so they would all fit. I did that up and then realized I had two bins of decos.  Which surprised me because I donated a huge bin to Goodwill. I guess my decorations are one thing I'm not quite willing to part with yet.  At least not all of them.

I also put several wall pictures stacked sideways in a bin but I still have quite a few that will need to go in a second bin or be carried out individually. I did thin them down some but like my Xmas stuff, an awful lot had to stay with me.

Went over to visit with Sharon Sofie as she's dog sitting for a friend over by the library. We stopped at the old duplex where we used to live (1961) and had the guy living there take our picture.
I probably should have had him stand closer but we mainly wanted the house in the shot anyhow.  Sharon was getting ready to walk the dogs when I arrived so I walked with her but only a short distance as my hip was killing me.
We stopped at the library as I had three to return and wanted to get a couple more by this author I like.  I saw a few of my donated books for sale in the library gift shop.  Sharon had a lunch and a dinner date so I dropped her off and then stopped by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some potatoes and a dozen eggs.

This morning I decided I needed to tidy up the yard a bit more. I have a few things that will require a trip to the dump but I did manage to throw some items into my large trash bin. I had  this big clump of dirt (emptied out of this large flower pot) that I wanted to move to the other end of the yard to block up some holes in the fence by the neighbor's chickens.  Sammy is always very interested in that corner and the fence is wearing away in places.  I don't have any yard tools left or my wheelbarrow so I proceeded to pull the dirt across the yard on a large piece of cardboard. I had to stop and rest three times and man, was my back irritated with me afterwards. But I did it by golly!
After I got the boxes in the back room repacked a little better, I went through the material bin to see what I could pull out for my next project. Way too tired to do any cutting today but there's always tomorrow morning.
I was getting discouraged at not being able to find anything of interest on the three media sites I subscribe to so I decided to sign up for the History Vault as some of their stuff really looked good. The first week is free and then it's only $6 a month. You can cancel anytime.  I must have been in a mood because I also re-signed up for Acorn. (a British channel)  It's only $5 a month and they do have some pretty worthwhile shows.  I landed on one called 'Line of Duty' and was hooked immediately. I'm on  the second series (there are six episodes) and I'll finish up 5 &6 tonight.  Sometimes I lose track of what is being said as their accents can get too British  but the story line is a good one.

I've got a new jigsaw set up so I continue to have several things going on at once to occupy my time. Mary and Andy went to Jake's school yesterday for orientation for kindergarten kids.  He'll go to a before school class and they'll walk him next door to kindergarten. He's nervous but excited too as he'll have his own desk, his name on the calendar for his birthday, and all kinds of other fun stuff. They don't take naps anymore but do get two 20-minute recesses. After school, he goes to the same place as the morning where he'll have his choice of the quieter room, the lively room, the outdoors or the gym.  Mary is finding it all very intriguing. Tomorrow her and Andy go to the school without Jake to have a 30-minute visit with the teacher.  Man. I bet that teacher will be worn out tomorrow if she's doing all the parents that way.

And I think that's all I got for today.

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