Sunday, October 27, 2019

I had to get up

I loaded 2400 books in my car. Made the kids help me. They were my books.  The gangsters would be after me for it but my boss would protect me.  We had to go in reverse all the way down the swamp road until we reached Jim & Lillian's house where I could turn around and get away.  The kids were scared because I'm not that good in reverse and sometimes the car was straight up and down although the swamp road doesn't have hills.  I got to 19th & took off. Thankful the traffic would be light and the cops would be busy because it was 1 pm and the parade was just starting downtown. I was Sarah Kvinsland and Chet Harper from the mill.  At first the car wouldn't start and I was worried.  It was a big tank of car. Station wagon.

And that is why I had to get up when I was still tired.  Had stayed up until midnight watching that damn Walking Dead show.  Is that why I went to hell in my dreams?  Who knows.  Everyone, including me, thinks I have a loose screw anyhow.  I don't care.   Alexia was in the corner of the bedroom. I asked her the date 'cause I was pretty sure it was Sunday but maybe I was wrong and it's only Saturday.  Room was cold so I asked her the temperature outside. She said 32 but my little gauge in the kitchen said 37. Still.....the roofs outside are white so I'm keeping my jammies with long underwear on for a while. No need to get dressed as I don't plan on going anywhere.  I don't know how the homeless survive.  Yeah, I'm rambling.  I know dreams are boring to read or listen to but too bad.  Needed to get that one on paper before it evaporated.  It's good that dreams evaporate.

Fixed hot chocolate instead of green tea this morning.  That kind of morning.  Silverado is playing on TV. Do love that western.  And now that I seem to be writing in short incomplete sentences I guess I will go read the stupid paper, work the crossword, and do some sewing, crafting, and genealogy searching.  Yep. That's my Sunday.

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