Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quiet Sunday at Home

It's 4 pm and I've already got my jammies on. Partly because they're warmer than jeans and t-shirt and partly because I never have drop-in company and never have a need to run errands in the afternoon. At least not most of the time.  I went to the "other" grocery store in this town today as they had a special on canned tuna (with a coupon) for 59 cents.  I also wanted to look over their bulk foods selection and see if I could find some candy that I thought Catie might like. I chose peanut butter cups, red licorice and gummy bears.  She said she only liked dark chocolate but would take the candy home as her office workers would be in heaven.
I also had a coupon for top round steak but when I saw the HUGE packages, I decided I'd pass on that idea. I seldom ever buy steak; usually chicken in one form or another, fish, and pork.  I did pick up some ham hocks as I have beans to cook and it's been a while since I made a pot of beans.  I do adore bean soup but the bottom half of my body doesn't always agree.  Too bad! The top half wants some.

I'm sitting here in my recliner as it's more comfortable to be on the laptop with your legs up and I want to do more surfing later. Mainly youtube videos on quilts and crafts.  I worked on my latest little sewing project for about an hour yesterday and an hour today.  Doing it in little steps so I don't get bored with it. Still not sure what I'm going to make with the finished piece.  Would kind of like to try and make small Xmas ornaments or book marks or coasters.  Not sure yet how to do any of that so I'll have to think on it. Maybe see if youtube has videos for ideas.

I spent three hours working on my 500 piece jigsaw puzzle set up at the kitchen table I should be able to finish it tomorrow or Tuesday and then I may start the intricate craft kit I got from Mary for my birthday.  26 pages of directions so it'll be like doing a huge jigsaw puzzle.  I got stopped right off the bat with the first sentence when I couldn't find the pieces they were explaining to me.  Much to my delight, Catie found them right away.

It amazes me how quickly she can whip through my various computer and cell phone dilemmas. Had everything done on my list in double time. Well, everything except one.  She couldn't figure out how to get my lap top to communicate with my printer so it would scan.   I can copy on it and print but I can't scan. I know it's possible, though, because the other computer guru I know set it up on my big PC for me a few weeks ago.  I've since unhooked that computer and have it sitting in the closet.  I do intend to keep it, however. I just can't judge if I'll have room for it once I get in the small one-bedroom apartment I hope to eventually move to.  It's a tiny place and I'll have to store several out of season things at Jenni's but I'm hoping I can devise an area for my large computer, my laptop, and my sewing machine.  It will definitely be a cluttered apartment but I'll figure it out.

Catie showed my steps I could use on my computer that I had no idea what the keys were for. She also set me up with this program that will help me relearn excel.  And she was even able to help me understand my roommate, Alexa. I didn't realize the yellow lights kept flashing because I had a package delivered from Amazon and I needed to cancel notifications.  She also explained to me that the technology is new so there's bound to be kinks to be worked out along the way and it's not going to be perfect --like she wouldn't always obey my demand to turn off.  I had to laugh when Catie asked her to tell a joke or to high five her.  There's so much fun to be had; I'm going to have to read up on it.

Catie left this morning to go visit her grandparents in Port Townsend before heading back to Kent. Thankfully, she took the patio table and umbrella I had sitting in the garage for her.  I think my downsizing is done now--except for what I eventually discover won't fit. Yesterday, Catie and I went downtown to where her mother works in the deli and ordered a sandwich. It was good too.

Later that afternoon, Sue, Catie and I drove thru Frugals (PA's favorite drive-thru) and Catie treated us to burgers and fries. Then her and Sue went driving and shopping while I came home to finish a counted cross stitch project I was working on.  Catie spent the night at Jenni's as I don't have an extra bed anymore.

While at the deli, Catie brought out her latest toy -- a new Poloroid camera.  It gives a cute little picture too but digitals are way more economical.
My latest fun thing to watch on Netflix is "60 Days In". About these people who agree to go to this county jail to eventually find out why and how drugs continue to get in.  It's a tense show to watch but I've stayed up binge watching till 11 and 12 the last two nights.  I also recommend this movie called El Camino.  You'd have to have been a fan of Breaking Bad to get what is going on.  Excellent flick.   Catie likes this series called I Zombie. I watched the first episode but will have to try a couple more to see if it grows on me.

Looked over my calendar this morning and noticed that I have absolutely NOTHING on the agenda until Thanksgiving.  Does that bother me? Nope. Just means I can relax and do things I want to do here at home.  Yep. I'm a homebody and I know it.

John and Marilyn Ecker stopped in a couple days ago so we had a nice time catching up on classmate news.

I don't get to visit with my grandkids much but I have fond memories of when they were younger. It's really an eye opener for me when I see how the three older ones are fearless when it comes to traveling.  I do remember driving from PT to Portland when I was 19 but I know I was a different girl then.  Maddie drives across the state to college and back and Hunter will be driving up from Arizona in a couple weeks. Catie is driving to Portland soon and a couple weeks or so ago, she drove all the way to Stockton CA by herself. Slept in a rest stop.  I COULD NEVER DO THAT!   Next month she flying to FL to drive back to WA with her boyfriend who will look for work up here.  Ahhh... to be young and unafraid of the world.

Cute thing I saw on FB this week....

And my youngest is starting on his journey too. Here's his kindergarten class.

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