Thursday, October 10, 2019

A day on the Computer

I'm on my laptop a lot but sometimes I'm on it longer than other days.  So far, it's been pretty much a morning of let's go look at more stuff.  I wanted to find some recipes on how to use my little waffle iron more than just for waffles and man, what a nice surprise. I ended up cutting and pasting several things I want to try--scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pizzas, quesadillas, apple crisp, blueberry muffins, and doughnuts (called wonuts).  It's easy to get lost in the world of computer videos and such.
I had some photos to pick up at Walgreen's so I shot a few pictures while out and about and then stopped by Jenni's house.  Took a few pictures of the pretty trees in the neighborhood as I couldn't resist. So pretty.

While driving thru downtown, I stopped to park so I could get some shots of the excavation going on on Front Street where a large hotel is going to be built.  What a mess.

While visiting at Jen's, I told her about my Alexa Echo that wouldn't shut off the other day and how I really was enjoying the gadget--especially when I said "Alexa, play 1950s music."  Forgetting that Jenni had an Echo too, all of a sudden, Elvis music came on.  We laughed.

I did opt to drive into Port Townsend yesterday and was playing with the idea of whether or not I wanted to spend the night at Fort Worden campsite with Ann.  In the end, I was just wanting to get back to my own bed again.  I'm such a homebody.  We had fun, though, and I'm glad I went.  We stopped by Ruth's as she hasn't seen Ann since high school days but unfortunately, her and her caregiver were both under the weather with bad colds so we didn't go in.
Here's the pictures I took with chatter about our day.  I did take a video of Water Street as we drove slowly through town but once I downloaded it on my computer, I decided it was way too lame to bother uploading to Youtube,  At any is our day. These aren't in any particular order like they were on my Facebook page. This is just the order they appeared on my computer.

 This is Aldrich's store uptown. Really kind of nice inside and upstairs. Below is how it used to look before the fire.

 This shows Ann & Sydney as we're done with cold North Beach and heading home for lunch.
 Ann's camper and my car at her Fort Worden campsite.
                                                  We spent a little time painting rocks
 Always love to drive by my relative's old homes just to look. Here's Uncle George & Aunt Lorraine's place.That large home on the right was Lorraine's flower garden before "progress" set in. Below is how it looked when I was a kid. (and as an adult)

the high school removed the front entryway to make room for an elevator, still in progress
 Shadows of the afternoon made this picture of the Annex a little harder to see but an elevator is going in there too. I wanted to walk to the second floor of the high school building as Ann hadn't been back since 1961 but both of us felt the stairs were too much of  a challenge. Kind of surprised we even got in the building really as there was a code on each door but the doors were unlocked at the time. We were happy.
 I stuck my head in the auditorium to see how much it had changed. Students were practicing for something or another.
 The campus outside with the gym in the background now has benches.
 On the way home I stopped at my brother and sister-in-law's house to drop off a birthday present. I was surprised Dana would even pose for me. Most of the time he thinks I'm a damn nuisance with my camera
 Here's the quilt Lill and some of her quilt club member finished. It's a beaut!
 I should have gotten out of the car and got a close-up of Aunt Elva and Uncle Lyall's house on Lawrence Street. It has probably changed the most as you can see from the picture below. I've been inside and it's even more remarkable.

 This is the main floor of the high school building where the offices are
                                   me and Ann with Sydney at North Beach
 Stopped by Rose Johnson's house to give her some jigsaw puzzles
 Mt. Baker as seen from North Beach. Always a picture worth taking
 Has a new name but I can't think of it. The new Grant Street School
 This large clock sculpture in front of the Rec Center is called Great Blue
 We met two ladies from the east who had walked down to Glass Beach to retrieve treasures. They had a large sackful.
 It was really cold at North Beach but Sydney was in heaven. I love stories about dogs and Ann told me a couple later about Sydney. The first night at the campsite the wind blew like crazy. Scared the dog half to death. Scared Ann too because the RV really shook back and forth and the wind sounded even louder inside. Sydney cried the whole time and even laid on her chest at  night whimpering.  The next day (after I had left) she took her for a walk at the bunkers.  Well, Sydney was not impressed. Ann wrote: Sydney was terribly spooked by the bunker.  She kept looking at it and didn’t want to go near it.  Silly and sissy dog!
 Ann talking to the Pennsylvania ladies from Amish country who were beachcombing
I just had to take a picture of this large beautiful tree where San Juan Grocery used to sit. Below is a photo of the store in "my day."
Interesting to me how that tree didn't appear until the store went to seed as shown in the following two pictures

One thing I noticed while driving around Port Townsend (and Port Angeles!) is that the deer population is way out of control.  They were everywhere and just contented as could be in whatever lawn they chose to eat at. They're forever walking very slowly across the street as I'm driving in and around this town. Some people think they're cute. I don't.

I did notice regretfully that once I get out and away from my comfort zone and am forced to move around more and get in and out of places (like Ann's RV) that I have a terrible time maneuvering. And once I'm in the car for any length of time, getting out to walk isn't a piece of cake either. My goal now is to at least work here at home on going up and down steps so I can use both knees and not have to do one step at a time.  I can't believe how crippled I got over this past year.  It's that damn old age thing again!   I know.  Get over yourself Joyce!

Get well wishes being sent out today to my ex husband who had a pacemaker put in and to Tom Camfield, one of my favorite PT writers who is recuperating from a stroke.

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