Saturday, November 23, 2019

My Saturday Morning so far

I prefer running my errands early in the morning. Less traffic, less people, and my goal is to always get back home as quick as I can.  Although there's nothing all that interesting at home, it's still my preferred place of peace.  Saw this on FB last night and sadly, it kind of described me sometimes....
Just kidding. I like company.  Anyhow, I hit my favorite store -- The Dollar Tree and then rolled through Safeway.  Bought a couple lotto tickets on the way to the car.  I haven't played the Daily Game in years, even though I've won $500 on it twice.  Today I picked out a ticket with numbers I woke up dreaming about.  My God but my dreams are a journey and a half lately. Last night I was at some place where I watched this huge line of people walking through who were going on this long nature hike. One of the people in line was Jean Camfield and she told me there were 520 people in the group.  So that meant I had to buy a Triple Choice number with 520.  Yeah, I'm stupid. I'd be the first one to say so.  But.....should that number hit tonight, I'll have $500 in my pocket.

Mary and Andy were at a school function yesterday or was it last night?  It was a pizza party with bingo. Jake was thrilled with his prize.  haha
I remember playing with those old cards.  For several years it was my preferred form of entertainment while drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.  And then going out afterwards with the girls  to drink more beer, smoke more cigarettes, dance to music at the Roma Inn or Hilltop, and then hit whatever place we wanted for breakfast. Ahhhh....the good ole days of bad habits.

Mary is throwing an early birthday party for Jake since his BD falls two days before Christmas. One of the guests is his latest heartthrob from the kindergarten class who he was entertaining in the gym.
I've moved my large Xmas gift stash to the sewing room so I'll have a table to begin wrapping things up.   It's fun for me yet hard at the same time because most of the stuff is handmade and my self confidence of my handiwork is very limp. I need to get it over that and just dump my stuff on whoever I want to. ha ha  I've got painted rocks, knitted Xmas bell ornaments, a pillowcase, several table runners, at least four quilts, lots of cross stitch pictures, and other odds and ends.  The challenge is to figure out who I can give what to without them groaning in misery.

Granddaughter Catie continues her road trip from FL. Last notice I got was that they were at her sister's house in Stockton, CA.  Glad they're on the west coast. She thinks they'll be home by tomorrow.  My agenda for today is to work on the latest jigsaw puzzle I borrowed from Jenni. A 500-piece colorful one of records.  I'm also going to work in the sewing room. Just one project in the works right now. A crumb quilt made from small pieces of leftover material.  It starts out slow with small pieces but picks up steam after a few sessions. I think I'm going to surround each 6" block with sashing to make it easier to sew together. I think.

Happy birthday to Elaine Arey today and to her hubby, Lee, who had a birthday earlier this month.
If I feel like getting out later, I might head up to the library.  Am in the mood to read a biography on someone. Here's a picture that appeared in the local paper this week. I do love our library.
My TV watching continues with The Walking Dead, The Crown, and William & Mary.  Only two episodes left of The Crown.  TWD is interesting to me not because of the zombies but because of the story lines of the characters, most of them terribly evil and a lot of the good guys end up getting killed off.  One thing I've noticed (and appreciate)is that there is no foul language meaning the F-word which is prominent in so many shows these days.  I've heard SOB once or twice and Dick Head and  Shit and dammit but I'm fine with that. ha ha   I've also noticed there's no weather to contend with. Never rains or storms. No birds either. And few animals. There was a tiger (beautiful tiger) and a little goat and I think a couple dogs and some deer and rabbits.  I also like that there are no nude scenes and very little sex scenes. What there was so far didn't amount to much and that pleases me. Do I sound like an old bag? Well, I am an old bag!

Cooked up a chicken breast with veggies in the crock pot yesterday so that takes care of dinner tonight and dinner tomorrow when I use the leftover for chicken enchilladas.  I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and make an appt to get one of those procedures where they stick a tube down your throat to look at your esophagus.  I'm not having heartburn or trouble swallowing but definitely having some discomfort in the chest after eating. I'm not in panic mode yet but I suppose I'm going to have to have it investigated at some point. Especially with what I'm paying for medical insurance now. AARP just informed me that come April, they're upping my premium another $11 a month. That annoys the hell out of me because $11 isn't a drop in the bucket anymore. Damn insurance companies!

Well, I guess that does it for this Saturday. Time to get busy at playing.

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