Monday, November 25, 2019

Poor Sammy

Wayne and Jenni are dealing with Sammy being sick. His back legs won't work and he can't walk. Vet put him on steroids to see if that would help but meanwhile Wayne is going to buy a dog wheelchair so he can at least get around a little.

Mary sent me pictures of their outing to an ice rink recently.

I was taking these pills for heartburn (although I don't really have heartburn to speak of) and I heard they were being recalled so I threw my supply out.  Told my doctor about it later and she insisted my batch was fine and wrote another prescription. Pharmacist also told me my pills weren't affected. I still had my doubts but I took two a day and this morning the mailman brought me a letter from Rite Aid telling me to bring my pills in for a refund on my co-pay 'cause my pills HAVE NOW been identified as no-nos.  Isn't that just great?!

One of the Facebook groups I belong to is Clallam Co Police calls.  Here's a listing of recent ones:
Subject in front of Goodwill swinging a machete above his head.
Suicide attempt subject cutting himself with a lollipop stick.
Panhandler took a knife out of his backpack and sat it down in front of himself. Acting agitated.
Prowler entered house and was talking to resident's dogs.
Possible heroin overdose. CPR in progress.
Suicide attempt by firearm

Oh, it's a grand world today, isn't it? Guess I'll settle in to watch TheWalking Dead now. In a previous post, I noted that it never rained and there were no birds. This week there were lots of birds and a rain shower.  Plan on working on my crumb quilt tomorrow if I can find some decent material to use as borders.
And my favorite cartoon on Facebook yesterday was this one...

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