Sunday, December 1, 2019

Here Comes December

My day has moved along okay.  I got all my Xmas gifts collected into one room to start wrapping and trying to figure out what to give who. It's a challenge every year 'cause I spend months working on handmade stuff and then I'm torn on who might like it and/or who might sigh...another of those gifts from Joyce!  Oh well, I try.  Not sending out cards this year although I always liked doing that along with a Xmas letter. Social media and my blog and email allow me to share my life with the world so annual letters aren't necessary. Plus I want to mail some gifts this year and that will take plenty of dough.

I made fresh hummingbird nectar a few minutes ago and need to remember to bring it in tonight so it doesn't freeze. They haven't been around all week but maybe tomorrow.  I set out a few decorations but realized I probably don't need the two overturned large bins I'm using for tables 'cause I got rid of more things than I realized when I downsized.  Am already missing two or three things I'm kicking myself for selling.  Since nobody comes to my house anymore, no one sees my decorations anyhow. But I have to share something on this blog so today it's what I set out for the season.
 This is my little tree and it suits me (although I do like to see real trees decorated at other poeples' houses.
 These two carol singers I think I got at a yard sale years ago. Or maybe Goodwill. Anyhow, I've always loved them and I like that they stand up easily. The santa on the sleigh between them was also picked up at a yard sale. He's got a case of Pepsi on the back and hit plays a tune.
 I do have more small things to set out tomorrow. Especially my homemade ornaments that my cousin, Susie, gave me over the years. They're my favorites.  That little green pickup was a Hallmark ornament I bought. Always liked Hallmark stuff. Those two magnets in the middle go back to my early married days. They kiss if you stick their faces together.
 This teddy bear Santa is one I made many years back when I was into sewing crafts more. I remember being so proud of it, even though the kids thought it was kinda dorky. ha ha
This is my favorite wall hanging that my sister in law made for me on her very expensive computer sewing machine.  It's a work of art.  I hung jingle bells on the front door handle and stretched one lonely pair of lights along my handrail. I'm regretting getting rid of all my outdoor lights and extension cords as I loved draping them on the bare tree in the back yard and being able to see them all through the month. My frontroom and kitchen look out on the backyard where all my windows are.

I started working on a jigsaw puzzle and it moved along quite fast so I'll finish it tomorrow and then display my little ornaments on the card table.  I guess I'll take the bins back to the garage that I overturned for table top use.

My good friend, Ruth, is having a horrible Xmas season. She fell off her nephew's deck on Thanksgiving and her wheelchair sent her tumbling to the cement below. She broke her ribs and tibia and her face was pretty beat up too. Her brain bleed stopped but she's still in and out of consciousness last I heard. Poor Ruthie.  She's been in that damn chair for five or six years now. Had a stroke after they did brain surgery on her.  She had a live-in caregiver these past weeks.

Got an email from my friend in the midwest who I went to school with (Marlene Dudleston) and she told me her husband (Dave Flemen) passed away Nov. 25th. He worked at the mill and she worked at the courthouse before they moved to Missouri after he retired.

I explored around on my roku and discovered a lot of channels open to me free. I was thrilled. Put on some news channels, the shopping channel (just for fun), AMC (so I can watch  the latest Walking Dead) and a couple others. One called Pluto that has a ton of movies and tv shows.  Am also playing with the idea of trying out CBS later on. It's $20 a month so I'm thinking on it.  Don't really need it as I have lots to keep me occupied.

Took a pork steak out of the freezer for dinner tonight and I've got a potato baking in the oven.  Mary and Andy arrived home last night and as usually happens when you travel, she's down sick with a cold now.  Poppy was over the moon happy to see them too.  He stayed at this woman's house near Mary who babysits pets and there were 11 dogs I think Mary said. I bet she was glad to get home to her own bed again as you don't get enough rest when you're with that many dogs.  Mary said she was sleeping the day away.

Here's Collins Rae, my cousin Cindy's granddaughter, who was presented some flowers for playing baby Jesus in a church program. Isn't she darling?
And here's my favorite cartoon on Facebook this week. Always loved Barney Fife.

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