Sunday, December 8, 2019

I wish I had more Christmas pictures

It's unsettling sometimes to realize how lack of sleep when you're my age can wreck havoc on your entire day.  I woke up at 4 (just to pee, mind you!) but my desire to drop off again just wasn't happening. At 5:15 I gave it up.  Consequently, I was dragging all day long.  I did manage to get the rest of my Xmas gifts wrapped and ready for the post office but that was the extent of any productivity on my part.  I took a short morning nap in the recliner and another one in the afternoon. Now I need to keep busy so I can get over the hump of feeling listless.  I could go for a walk and get some fresh air but that idea doesn't particularly appeal to me. It wouldn't appeal to me even if it was sunny and bright outside.

I've been flipping through shows on HULU to try and find something of interest.  My 600-lb life was way too depressing. So was Fear of the walking dead and Leah Remini talking about the cult she doesn't belong to anymore. I've got Sons of Anarchy on now although I've seen all the episodes years back. Am watching Jax and Opie in a scene right now and it's fascinating to see Opie as he used to be. Been watching him on The Walking Dead playing Beta, a bad guy.

Wish I could warm up. I turn off the heat when I go to bed at night and then it takes me all day to warm up this room. I should leave it on but the motor is too noisy and keeps me awake.  Saw a picture on Facebook that Ann Marie posted of when she was little and posing with Santa Claus. I don't have many pictures of myself as a kid; just the ones taken on the gym steps through school.  I don't recall ever having a picture taken with Santa. We probably couldn't afford it and besides, I don't think they did that much back then.

I looked around for pictures of my kids with Santa and I couldn't find any for Sue and Mary and just one of Joe and Jenni.
I couldn't find any of the grandkids either but I know they must be in my collection somewhere. I did find a group picture taken at Christmas one year in this house but I couldn't locate any of my siblings in Christmas shots and the only aunt and uncle I found was Jim and Lillian when I had them for dinner at the San Juan house.

I did fine one picture of me sitting on Santa's lap but it's pretty lame. I think it was taken at our Kirkland house in the 1970s or late 60s.  That's Janie's first husband, Bill Forcier dealing with my fat butt!
One of my favorite photos is this one that cousin Tyler Johnson took of his fence on Jefferson St. So darn cute!

I think I'm going to go through my pictures again and see if I can't get them organized better. Many are duplicates and need to be deleted and several need to be renamed so I can identify them easier. I've already got several folders set up categorizing photos by family, friends, places, animals, school,
grand kids, siblings, aunts & uncles, cousins, and misc but I have so many that I suspect the job is never going to be done to my satisfaction.

While hunting through my files I came across one of my sister when she was moving into Highland Commons, the low-rent senior apartment house I'm waiting to move to once my name gets to the top of the list. I just hope to hell it happens before I kick the bucket!  She didn't live there very long. Missed Port Townsend too much.

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