Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Year Saturday

It's cold out there today. Even hailed a bit.  And as I type those words, it's hailing some more. Just better not snow!  I made a early run to the Uhaul place at 9 a.m. and two people were already ahead of me so I had a half hour wait. Two people were behind me when I left. Busy place.  Wayne said I only needed a 10' truck so I'll pick it up next Friday evening to have it at home and all ready for Saturday loading.  Then we'll leave it at Port Townsend afterwards. Don't know what all it will cost but I don't care.  Just get me moved!

Met a couple of dudes while waiting at the Uhaul place.  Manly men who hunt and fish. They watch Life Below Zero too so we discussed the characters on that show. One guy had a BigFoot sweatshirt on and the other guy (an Indian) told me he had seen on up the other side of Lake Crescent. I believed him too.  Another lady in line  told me her story of woe and it made me thankful for what I have.  She said they were homeless. Got kicked out of their rental because her daughter ODd on drugs and she didn't know where they were going to go. She also told me about her health issues. Sigh....

I've did a few odds and ends around here today. Unhooked the VCR and DVD and my printer. Put 8 items on the free website and have a lady coming to get the coffee grinder later. Also decided to post the dresser on the for sale website and sold it in 3 minutes!  She'll be here within the hour.  Decided to drive across town to the Dollar Tree to pick up some more bubble wrap and tissue paper for when I pack up the dishes still in the cabinets.  Also stopped at the bread store since it was on my way. Busy in there too.

I didn't think I was really doing too much but man oh man, is my hip giving me a bad time today.  And sadly, it's in the area where I probably could have gotten a shot for it when I went to the doctor a few days back. At the time, it wasn't hurting there and I told her my low back had been hurting since Feb. 3 when I coughed. She thought I had probably pulled a muscle.  Today's pain, however, I'm pretty darn sure is bursitis.  Going to stay on Tylenol and hope for the best. Usually that stuff doesn't work all that great.  I may have to pull out my pot.

As we were leaving the casino a few days ago, I saw this car parked next to me....
Made me laugh as I remembered the divorce party I had when I got divorced back in 1982.  Although none of us won, my son-in-law, Wayne, ALWAYS has better luck at the machines. He's won big money several times. Last week he went to the Point Casino and won $3400!  Him and Hunter are at 7 Cedars today as they're celebrating their 25th anniversary and are giving away $1000 every half hour. I won't be surprised if Wayne gets one of the prizes.

Well, guess I'll retire to the recliner now. Had planned on cleaning out a closet but my hip has other plans.  There's always tomorrow.  Getting my hair cut on Monday and my oil changed on Wednesday.  But my big day is coming....woo hooo!

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