Sunday, March 22, 2020

Just Entertaining Myself

If there's anything I'm bad at (and there are plenty) it's my sense of direction.  One of the first things I did when I moved in here was try and figure out where east and west was.  It was harder than usual for me because my window faces this enclosed courtyard.  This morning I noticed seagulls circling over the roof that I look out on. After pulling up Google Maps (love that website) I decided that they were coming around for that little lagoon where I've seen ducks hanging out.  I'm going to investigate more tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that lagoon is close to Avamere's parking lot.  After looking at the enlarged map of the neighborhood, I established where my apartment was (had to go by the lawn furniture that I see from this chair while at my computer.)  So now I know if I stand and look out my window, I'm facing north.  Estimating north has always been easier in PT for me because I can identify where North Beach is.

As I get to know my apartment house better, I'm also learning the various sounds.  There's a pop machine down the hall and the little noise I heard from time to time was that machine turning off and on. I guess.  The fire door closing (that goes to the stairwell) is an irritant as it resonates loud and makes my recliner bounce a tad. Don't appreciate that when I'm trying to nap.  But I'll deal with it. I DO NOT miss the helicopters circling over my neighborhood in P.A. I'll take the annoying noises of this place anytime.

I woke up with IBS this morning. Always a surprise when it hits and I can count on laying low at least through the morning hours. I hadn't been bothered in quite a while so I kind of hoped that ailment was taking a vacation but SHE'S BAAACK!  Just another fun thing to tolerate when dealing with an aging body. Although I'm sure younger people are not immune to Irritable Bowel Syndrome either.  My mother had Crohn's Disease which is another bowel ailment so I sometimes wonder if I inherited that gene.  It's no fun but I'll take it over migraine headaches.  I always feel sorry for people who have migraines to deal with.  Sometimes I yearn for the good ole days when all you had to deal with was cramps. ha ha

I made a pitcher of iced tea and will stay hunkered down until I go down to retrieve my dinner tray. The menu says sloppy joes, french fries and waldorf salad.  I did go down to get breakfast at 9:30 but still felt punk so I just brought the lighter dish up here and I'll save it for lunch. (yogurt parfait). They're pretty good. Has fruit and granola mixed in.

I slept hard last night and had my usual mix of weird (often unsettling) dreams.  My hip was killing me when I stood up so I took a couple pills and laid back down on the bed to do some stretching exercises -- determined to tell my hip that I didn't care what she was feeling, I planned on stretching the hell out of her!  Well, it didn't take long for the stomach to start making these loud growling sounds and having been down this road time and again, I knew what was coming.  Oh glorious Sunday morning. What a way to start.  That probably explains my extreme fatigue this a.m. as I took a recliner nap after already sleeping 8 hours.  It's such a fun and exciting journey to try and stay healthy.  Sometimes I'm up for the challenge and other times I just feel like cashing in my chips. Oh, there I go again...Miss Doom and Gloom. I'll snap out of it sooner or later.

Golf is coming on in ten minutes so I plan on sitting here and doing a little cross stitch. Did you catch Jim Gaffigan on The CBS Sunday Show this morning?  I love him. So funny.  I had hoped to attach a picture of a bird outside my window today but of course, they don't come around when I'm sitting here with camera in hand. Another day perhaps.  Have a good week or at least as good a week as you can have with what we're dealing with these days.

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