At 9:30 it was off to the dining room to bring breakfast up. This morning it was scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, pears, OJ, and a blueberry muffin. After breakfast I took off to explore the neighborhood a bit more. Took this picture of the ducks over near Avamere's parking lot.
I didn't stay out too long because I'm trying to break in two pairs of shoes and the ones I had on were hurting my feet. I'll have to use my head next time and wear my usual sneakers when I'm heading out. I've been trying to play Sherlock Holmes and learn the first and last names of as man of the residents as I can. Their last names are listed on the mailboxes along with the apt# so then I wait until I hear someone call them by their first name and I add that to my list. And sometimes I just out and out ask them what their last name is. It's a fun game for me to try and cross match them using Facebook and Google too. Oh, the things I do for entertainment. haha So far I've learned two dozen first and last names. Yeah, I'm a stalker I suppose but I consider them neighbors and sooner or later (when the world corrects itself) I should be able to get to know more of them. Not now, though. Everyone stays in their room for the most part.
Some go out to walk their dog, one guy goes out to smoke, and one lady just uses her walked to go out and walk after eating. I've also seen a guy sitting in the dog park with his pet and another works the crossword puzzle in the newspaper in the tv room. Otherwise, about the only contact we have is sitting 6' apart outside the dining room to await our tray. Or to go into the dining room if it's our shift. I prefer room eating.
Menus were set out yesterday. Here's the one for this week. I think you can read it if you click on it.
One of my chores today was to tape some cheese cloth to the leaf of the table that I have set up in the kitchen for whenever I might want to cook. The leaf that is down rattles when knocked and it was getting on my nerves. Easy fix and I realized after looking at the area that that is going to be my jigsaw puzzle place as I have this large white board to keep the pieces on a nifty lamp right above the counter.
I think I'll probably do a little sewing later and since I picked up three more books at the library downstairs, maybe I'll settle in and start one. My left hip was again hurting when I got up but it wasn't quite as severe as past days and I was very thankful for that. The IBS was gone too and it goes without saying that I appreciated that fact!
It's already lunch time but I'm not really hungry having eaten at 9:45. Think I'll have the leftover coleslaw from one of my earlier dinners. Heading to Safeway at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow to pick up a couple items. Or three or four. Don't really need too much since my food is prepared for me -- a fact I will ALWAYS appreciate.
Had a phone call from Mary Gaboury this morning and they're waiting to see how events go before deciding if they'll leave Yuma at the end of April. Feels like it might be tad safer in the hot weather zone --although no place is immune from this nasty bug. I continue to watch very little news as I find it puts me in a funk very quickly and I need to stay happy. Who doesn't? Have a good Monday.
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