Sunday, March 29, 2020

Last Sunday of March

My spirits are a little higher today. I think because I made a point of getting out of the apartment.  Well, that and my sciatica has eased.  It's not gone but I'm confident if I keep doing the exercises, maybe I won't feel like killing myself.
I did a load of laundry and the caregiver across the hall who was doing the laundry for the lady who lives there, gave me a tip on how to save money on the coins for the dryer. The machine won't turn on unless you put in $1.50 but the clothes often times are dry before that $1.50 is used up. She took her stuff out of the dryer with 7 minutes to go and told me to add just 4 quarters instead of 6.  Every little bit helps.

Breakfast (delivered) was a waffle, 2 link sausage, watermelon, cocoa, and OJ. I've been saving the cocoa envelopes to have hot chocolate at night once in a while and the OJs I pour in a pitcher in the fridge to drink over time. I always make a pot of coffee around 7 a.m. and toast an English muffin as breakfast arrives around 9:30 or so.

I hadn't been outside in days because of the sciatica and the weather wasn't all that great so I decided today was the day I got fresh air. I stopped at Safeway for one item. Store was pretty empty and the thing I wanted was just inside the door so I was in and out quickly. Always like that.  Saw my sister across the street who was letting Lucy have a potty break so we talked a bit.  She likes to talk about the news but I don't.  I watch it very little as I find it too upsetting and all they do is repeat themselves with things they're pretty much guessing about anyhow.

I watched an old Gary Cooper movie on Amazon Prime last night. From 1953. Always relaxing to watch old flicks.  I've got golf on now and that's relaxing too.  They're reruns but I don't care.   I had a couple days of horrible allergy symptoms but thankfully, they let up after 48 hours. Now, however, my eye is acting like she wants to give me grief. Think I'll go put some drops in and see if I can nip it in the bud. I assume it's still allergies.  Hmmmmm....the font on this blog just automatically enlarged itself. Wonder why.  I'll have to log back on later and see what it looks like once I publish.

I took my camera while I was out driving this morning. Here's some of the things I saw. Most were taken around the North Beach and Fort Worden area. This first picture was in my Walkin' in Water book of Admiralty Street? that turns off of San Juan Avenue and goes toward the fort.  As I was turning on it today, I saw all these new houses that were built on the right side of the road. The whole town is like that really.

these houses sit across the street from that white house and field in the pictures above.

I took a shot of this weeping willow tree as I turned on 49th. I've always loved w.w. trees. The house here was where my Uncle Jim and Aunt Lillian were married back in 1944.
This next photo was taken on my way back from North Beach and is across from the tree above. It's where you make that turn onto San Juan Avenue.  Waste water treatment plant. Below is a photo of it I saw online.

                                           container ship as seen from the beach
                                    the left side of the beach - tide was out obviously

The parking lot at North Beach was full. It's always full and lots of people out walking the trails and on the beach with their dogs.

                                                                              parking lot
                                                    decorated van next to my car
                                                   walkers heading over to Fort Worden
                                                                           Fort Cemetery
                                     Walkers could go in but no cars as gate was across

And that's my Sunday so far.  Going to do a little sewing now and if I'm able to stay up from napping, I'll continue the book I started reading. Two of them really --Jane Eyre (I've never read it) and The Most Wanted by Jacquelyn Mitchard.

Have a good week -- or at least try to.  It's hard considering the state of our world right now.

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