Monday, April 6, 2020

Just Pluggin' Along

It's 9:15 a.m. and from the window view I have, it looks like it's gonna' be a halfway decent day. I intend to get outside and walk. It'll have to be with my walker since the sciatica appears to be intent on following me into April.  It's odd (but I'm thankful) how the pain is managable all day and almost non-existent but after a few hours in bed, I wake up in terrible pain.  I took off the soft foam bed topper to see if a firmer mattrress would help but I'm sure my plan is working. At any rate, as I walk around the apt. using the walker for support, the pain slowly subsides. Takes  20 to 43 minutes so I' going to keep up the exercises and hope for the best. Surely, this can't stick around forever.  Or can it?  Whatever....

I'm waiting for breakfast to arrive. This wing of the floor is last to get served but most of the time, the wait is worth it. Yesterday it was oatmeal, yogurt, 2 boiled eggs, and fruit. Saturday dinner was a chef's salad and a brownie.
Last night was what they called hamburger pie. It was pretty good but looked more like chili. Also mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and an apple fritter.
I suppose it looks like I'm focused on food but then, I've always been focused on food. haha

Yesterday, I drove down to the bank to make a night deposit and stopped by my sisters's to pick up a piece of fleece I'm hoping I can use in a quilt. She gave me a piece of peach pie too.  I just sat in the car and she came out in her movearound car.  Or whatever you call it. I should have taken a picture of her.

I sent for a couple of cross stitch pattern books online as I couldn't find anything I wanted to do with the stuff I have onhand.  Later, I looked again and settled on this Christmas design that looks kind of fun but not too complicated. I'll ignore all the background and border work, though.
I finished sewing together a few of the quilt squares I had been working on and now I have to scrounge around and see if I've got enough on hand to finish the backing and inside. I know I have enough for the back but we'll see about the other.
Took a picture of my arm injury 'cause it's all I have for sharing today. My poor skin is getting so thin that it bruises easily and this was caused by a bandaid I applied to a tiny wound that wouldn't quit bleeding. Pretty, isn't it?
10 a.m.
Breakfast is over.  Today it was scrambled eggs, one pancake, 2 bacon (burnt), pears.  I decided my little kitchen area needed to be more user friendly so I switched the areas of dish strainer, coffee pot, and toaster.  Is that interesting or what?!  hahaha  You gotta go with what you got.
Today is jigsaw puzzle day so I put the leaf in the table, brought out my office chair, and set up my counter space.  I enjoy puzzles and they do help pass the time.
Last night I finished watching another season of Alone on the Hulu channel. So entertaining and surprisingly, there was a lot of discussion about being isolated and living life. 

Here's the lady who lives below me. She's very nice.  Teaches piano lessons and is the "ambassador" for this building. Meaning she lets people in who have locked themselves out and calls folks to see how they're doing.  She's got a few students now who are learning via her webcam. I wanted to touch base with her to see if there was anything I was doing that was making noise for her. Having never lived in an apartment since the 60s, I'm very aware of everything like tv volume, toilet flushing, shower running, things being dropped, sewing machine whirring, etc. She assured me all is fine.
Saw a very interesting article on FB this morning about the virus. Made a lot of sense too. I think I'll post it on my next blog.  And that's it for now.  Hope you're holding up well.

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