I must have had a good time today 'cause I'm tired. Ha! Jenni drove down and brought my two table fans so it's nice and cool in here right now. She also gave me one small and one large muffin tin so now all I can think of is how I need to make cupcakes. Just wish I could be assured they won't burn. My oven is ...well ...never mind....another aggravation here.
She brought me some things I wanted from the Dollar Tree and 4 puzzles that Susan had for me. All 500 &550 pcs (the kind I prefer) so I'm excited about having them in the wings.
Jen wanted to drive (fine with me; I love being a passenger) so we rode here and there with her making comments about how much all the neighborhoods have changed and how there's so many trees and shrubs and how the streets are all screwed up and you can't turn here or there or others are blocked off. She also marveled at the beauty of the beaches and the mountains. Best part, though, was the stories she told about this place or that or memories she had of things I did or she did. I didn't remember any of the things about me she recalled. Like when her and Joe were fighting in the car when I was taking them to summer camp at Grant Street School and I got so disgusted with them, I drove past the school and made them walk back. She also pointed out places where she got high with friends or put a dent in my car or did other teenage things I was completely unaware of. She was really quite the party girl. We also had a good laugh about how Joe was always "that kid" who didn't quite get it. Like the time he saw two guys drinking beer at Fort Worden and called the cops. He was ten. Good Lord Eddie Haskell.
I had her drive down The Swamp Road because I've become obsessed with the old neighborhood that continues to change before my eyes. Here's a view from my uncle's old house on the corner of 19th & Haines looking back towards Grandpa's old barn. Or what's left of it.
We went up by Grant Street School as she wanted to see the new building --now called Salish Coast.
On Landes (off 19th) we saw this tree that had a statue embedded in it. I guess. Maybe it was carved but I don't think so.
We stopped at Irondale Beach just to see how it looked. Lots of cars in the parking lot. No rocks to speak of but I had picked up a few at East Beach on Marrowstone Island earlier.
On the way to the beach I stopped to say hello to my brother, Les, who lives in Nordland.
Not one of my more attractive pictures but it is what it is and I'll just have to learn to live with it!
This is a shot of the construction work going on at the bridge connecting Indian Island and Marrowstone.
And below are the various shots I took at East Beach. Quite a few cars there too but I imagine North Beach had even more. It usually does.
We stopped at Penny Saver on the way out of town to pick up sandwiches to eat in our car at East Beach. It was entertaining listening to Jenni's comments about the changes in town. She thought the roundabout on Discovery Road was STUPID!
My granddaughter, Catie, invited me to participate in a birthday party scavenger hunt as her BD is coming up at the end of the month. She gave a list of things you have to try and take a picture of. Sounds like great fun to me. Stuff like: a neat bug, a bee, a bird, a cat, your pets, people in love, someone playing music, people arguing, outdoor cooking, an old car, a playground, an interesting sign, graffitti, dandelions, a dead tree, berries, your favorite place and more....
Not too much on my agenda for tomorrow. Gotta do a load of laundry and look for my summer pants and shorts. I may even give this place a thrill and wear my shorts in the hall.
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