Yesterday was kind of a bummer for me. The manager of this place who has definite control issues sent out more notices. God help us if she ever runs out of printer ink. Yesterday's said they're going to start up the housekeeping services again soon. It was supposed to come with the rent package and includes the housekeeper coming in to put fresh sheets on your bed, wash the linens, dry and fold and return; clean the bathroom a bit, and the kitchen sink area, and vacuum. I haven't missed it because I never had it because of the virus restrictions. I think she goes overboard a lot of the time and have a feeling she's watching the news 24/7. Anyhow, this notice said that unless you've stayed in, you are not getting it until you self quarantine for two weeks. I just shake my head as she makes up stuff as she goes along. Her excuse being that "corporate makes the rules". I'm just the messenger. What a bunch of BS! I've pointed out to her that the "recommendations" for nursing homes and assisted living are not the same for independent apartment houses with individual renters and we are NOT assisted living. And we are allowed to go out. The notice said those who have gone out of the community for reasons other than medical will not be eligible until they fulfill a 14-day self quarantine to ensure they have not brought the virus into the community. Her reasoning is screwed up but you can't reason with her as it's her way or the highway.
We have various caregivers coming in here everyday and the mail lady and delivery guys plus the working crew around here go home every night. And the manager leaves on errands too. How is it that none of them are maybe bringing in the virus but anybody who rents here is endangering the others? I've left the apartment house to go to the grocery store, the drug store, the hardware store, and to visit a friend or two as we sit 6' apart outside. I've also gone for drives around town and to the beach to collect rocks to paint. It drives her nuts that I won't stay in.
Sometimes I thought it was just me and her butting heads but I've since heard a few stories of her bullying antics before this virus thing ever became an issue. I don't like the way she treats some of the people here but it is what it is so I'll just have to avoid her as much as possible until Jesus calls me home. Ironic that the last four phone numbers of this place is the same as Neptune Service which my kids will call when I finally decide I've had enough. 9500. haha
I was down in the dumps yesterday because I had slept so poorly. Damn foot and toe cramps. I'm making sure I take lots of potassium and magnesium to keep those in check. Last night was better and I was thankful.
I'm working on a quilt-as-you-go quilt right now but I couldn't remember exactly how to do it. Thank God for YouTube. This morning I couldn't remember how to drop the feed on my machine and what presser foot to use. The booklet didn't help so back to Youtube I went. It all came back to me once I saw it demonstrated. Looking forward to the whole process of making this quilt now. It'll take me a good long time but I've got plenty of that. I skip around from sewing to jigsaw to reading to tv to cross stitch. And genealogy research is sitting in the wings too. I really don't have that big a problem of staying in. Dislike it more, however, when someone orders me to stay home. Even if it was suggested in a nice way, I wouldn't take umbrage quite so much.
My daughter shared her activities in an email this morning and her life is way more exciting than mine so I'll share part of what she said.......
Jake had a Zoom call with his teacher and class. He wouldn't participate at first. So self-conscious. By the end, he was having fun and happy. Mommy knows best. The teacher let them chat by asking them
questions. Then she read a book. Then they did a color scavenger hunt. This is where Jake really opened up. They had to run and get something in the
color she said and then come back to the computer and they'd get to say what
they found. They ALL loved this part.
Then she spelled colors on a virtual whiteboard and they had to read the
color. Good lessons.
Monday, Jake will start going to Arena Sports in Issaquah (M W and F) 1PM - 5PM. They are setting it up to serve as "daycare" so it qualifies under StayAtHome order. They all wear masks and gloves and limiting the number to 25 kids total attendance? and smaller groups while there (normally there are 100+). They have bouncy houses in the back of the arena, but those are not allowed because, you know...germ fest. The activity will be good for Jake. He needs it so badly and I can't keep up with him! I'm feeling a twinge of guilt about letting him go but I really know he needs this. So do I, but he needs it more. I dropped Poppy off at puppy daycare. I think she likes it better there than home sometimes. ha ha Its a great way for her to get all her wiggles out and Jake is happy to have the house to himself.
She sent me a picture of how Jake was sitting to eat his lunch today. So I sent her a couple back of how he ate when he was younger.
I got a real scare yesterday. I opened up my bank account online (Mary had called and told me to check it) and my checking and savings were at ZERO! Oh no! Was I hacked? What do I do? Eventually we figured out that Mary (who is on my account with Jenni) had done some banking for her account and had emailed the bank to close her account. The girl took it upon herself to look for all accounts with Mary's name on it and close them! Idiot! Thankfully, Mary fixed it from her end and told them to put my money back!
Trivia for today (saw it on the blues station)-- Ray Charles changed his name from Ray Charles Robinson to just Ray Charles after Sugar Ray Robinson got so famous.
Boy, it sure got windy all of a sudden. Maybe I'll take a short nap as I await my zoom call.
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