With no way to hold my head, that didn't hurt..... Always loved that song by Kris Kristofferson.
I just finished breakfast. Two slices of honeydew were included but I put them away for lunch. I'm not entirely sure what that meat is. I ate both of them and they were tasty but I don't think it was chicken. Or was it? Chicken doesn't seem right for breakfast so maybe it was pork. Oh well, it was good. It'll have to be a secret for now.
Last nights dinner was pretty good too. A toasted Reuben sandwich, fries, bean salad (which I saved for today's lunch) and lemon meringue pie. The fries were dry and tasteless so they got tossed but man, that sandwich was mighty fine. Today's menu says pineapple & cottage cheese, beef lasagna, spinach, blueberries and cream. I must admit I am eating more variety and better meals than I ever have. And having it delivered isn't something I take lightly either.
Not much to share in the way of pictures today so I took a few around the apartment. Here's my walking stick and the keys to the building, mailbox, and apartment that I have to always remember to have with me. I brought the stick in from the car as my sciatica has returned and the cane just wasn't helping me walk that well. I only use the walker around the building although if I'm really hurting, I'll push it to the car and fold up and put in the back
I plan on working on my jigsaw puzzle a bit and reading my book. I'm far enough into it now where I'm looking forward to getting back to it. (The Emigrants) At some point I will head into the bedroom and work at the sewing machine too. I cut out a stack of squares and rectangles that I'll use to make this quilt pattern called stepping stones. Easy peasy sewing technique with no corners to have to make match.
My neighbor, Trish Murphy, brought me some goodies that a mutual friend baked. Thank you Yvonne Starkey. I'm always cheered when food enters this apartment.
Trish was admiring my window view and I decided that was worth taking a picture of too. Now that the tree is blooming, the birds are coming in often. My hummingbird feeder should arrive this week. I bought one to attach to the window with suction cups.
I needed a few items from Safeway and noticed they had parking places near the door for call in orders so I went online to see how that worked. Mainly because my hip has been hurting and I'd like to avoid walking the aisles. I picked out the five items I wanted but when I got to checkout, I saw you had to order $30 minimum and my order was half that. Darn. Oh well, it won't kill me to walk.
I was looking over my kitchen area yesterday and realized I could rearrange some of the cabinets to make them more user friendly. I switched around things I never used and put them in this tall cabinet with other food and placed "often used stuff" in a spot easier to manage. Going to try changing the way I wash dishes too. The small double sink just hasn't been that easy to use so I'm going to wash dishes in the sink and then get my red tub out and fill with fresh water for rinsing.
I watched 'Full Metal Jacket' (VHS movie) last night and it was pretty good. I'm sure I'd seen it before but I didn't recall how the story went.
Yes, my blog posts are going to get ever more interesting the longer I'm confined. haha
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