Friday, October 14, 2022

And it's Friday all over again

 I don't post on my blog too much these days because I don't really have much to yak about. My daily routines are pretty much the same but I'm fine with that.  I got up around 8 and began my chore list. My left hip which has been hurting at the scale of 10 is easing up a bit but still hanging in there. At least I can walk from room to room without my walker.  If I feel up to it. I still find myself grabbing it a lot and boy am I thankful to have it!  I'm betting a walker is probably going to be a part of my life however far I get into my 80's but I'll manage.

I am seeing my orthopedic doctor next Thursday to see if he'd give me a sterioid shot for my bursitis and I have some questions for him on how long I have to wait to get that back operation. An operation I was determined never to put myself through but I've had a change of heart because my mobility is really becoming an issue month by month and frankly, I'M SICK OF IT!  My back hurts, my legs hurt, my feet hurt and blah blah blah!  Doesn't everybody hurt somewhere some of the time?  sigh...

I pretty much have to sit down often in between the chores I have on my daily to-do list. I'm just thankful I can still work on the list. Today I washed the dishes that I left overnight because my legs were hurting so bad I knew I couldn't stand at the sink. I even bought some cannabis oil as I didn't think the gummys were working that well. I can't tell for sure just yet if the oil is working either but I'll stick with it as the ibuprofen isn't something I'm supposed to be taking too much of. But I still do.

I had two small zuchinnis in the fridge that I got at the farmers market last Saturday and once I ground them up, I realized I had enough for a bread. I do love zuchinni bread! I made up 5 mini loaves and have given two away. Will give Hunter and his girl friend a loaf tomorrow when they come to visit me. I'm hoping they'll go to the farmers market with me as I want to get some eggs and tomatoes and maybe some more zuchinni.

I've also got two small jobs I'm hoping Hunter will do for me. I need my mobile hung from the ceiling. I tried to do it myself but I was too unsteady on the top step of my step ladder and I had no business getting up there anyhow. I also need the bathroom sink stopper removed so I can clean out the clogged drain with this neat little tool I have. My main concern is getting the drain hooked up again under the sink. I can't get down there to attempt it.

Rose Johnson told me about a yard sale over on Corona so I decided if I was careful and used my walking stick, I could attempt to go look it over. Was glad I did as the person having the sale was this lady I've watched on videos on Facebook when she was selling jewelry. She had a ton of material but I didn't buy any as I've still got about three bins of material I need to use up. I did buy a nifty basket, though, and a jigsaw puzzle box that had eight puzzles in it. Some 500, one 750, and one 1000. It was tickled to get that as I had put away the 1000 pc I was working on for days because I wasn't finding pieces in a timely manner and I got discouraged.  The basket and the puzzles were only $2 a piece so I was happy with that too. I took a look around the neighborhood as I was leaving because an old friend used to live in the house across the street from her and I went there often. Marilyn Reno.

My youngest daughter is hosting Thanksgiving this year because her daughter, Maddie, is coming home from Mississippi. I'm going to get some great photos and I can hardly wait. They'll be 13 of us and two dogs.  A picture taker's heaven.  Well, here's the only pictures I have to share today although I might look around on my computer and see if I can find something else. I downloaded Windows 11 and am still trying to learn new ways they want me to do things.

This is a puzzle I poured out on my card table to do next but once I got my new puzzles, I put it away until this winter. I can tell it's gonna take me a while.

Here's my latest puzzle box. And after opening, I realized none of have been worked yet. Oh boy!

This is a stack of material I pulled out of a bin to start cutting into various sized squares. Just busy work as I sit and watch golf or You tube videos.

Must be a glitch with Windows 11 as I had problems inserting these photos. Would only take one at a time. This is the black basket I picked up. I'll probably use it for material. Sorry this is so boring but that's my life right now.

Here's the mini zuchinni loaves I baked up.
My friend, Sue, down the hall, moved to Vintage Apts in Sequim last week. I took a car load of stuff up to her on Sunday that the loaders had overlooked. Mary G. went with me and we hit Walmart and the casino.

Another day we met up with Cathi White and went on a car picnic as I drove us around town to look at stuff.
This picture was taken at Pt. Hudson. Seemed strange to have zero boats in the background. I should go back and take a picture of that.  Maybe tomorrow when I go to the farmers market.

Here's a video I liked.... click on the white square bottom right to make video full screen. It's better that way.

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