Friday, October 7, 2022

It's Friday! (although that doesn't really mean a thing anymore)

 It's about 10 a.m. and I'm sitting here at the computer finishing up my morning rituals -- crossword puzzle, wordle, Facebook, writing an email, and scanning the PDN. All I really look at is  the obits, any local news I find interesting (usually not much), Pickles, and Dear Abby. Abby's letters often have me wondering...why don't these people use common sense and tell whoever is causing them grief to go jump in the lake.  But it's always fun to write Dear Abby. I've done it myself, maybe twice, but darned if I can remember the first time.  The last letter I wrote was totally dumb. Asked her if she thought very many families ate their dinner meal together at the table anymore. It did generate some comments.

I'm dog sitting today. Lola is at my feet while her mama prepares to move to the Vintage apartment complex in Sequim.

She's bored but I've told her that's just the way life is in this building a lot of the time. haha  I'll take her outside to pee once I finish this post. She'll have to be by herself for an hour this afternoon when I go see a doctor. Or is he a P.A.? I don't know. If you can even get in to a doctor these days, it's always somebody different. Whatever.

She seems to be a pretty good watchdog. I have a piece of board across my front door so she can see whoever walks by. A FedX guy just knocked on the door across the hall and she erupted into her little raps once he knocked. She doesn't like knocks on the door. Her mama prefers you just holler for her at the door and not knock. I guess you know who runs that place.haha

Many times at night I settle in to watch Youtube videos. So entertaining. I like the Ted Talks offerings. Last night it was a guy talking about what animals think. Another guy talked about why people wake up during the night. My favorite was a guy showing how anybody can draw. I even think I can draw now.Gonna practice today.Here's two videos I found about Port Townsend that I found interesting. Of course I don't attend any of these events or eat at any of these places. I'd like to but I don't. Now to seeif I can remember how to download videos.

This helps explain all the traffic in this town now -- and all the people I see but don't know. It's a different town than the one of my youth.
Thse next photos are of "back in my day".

Well, time to get busy. I've decided to try and do a 1000-pc jigsaw puzzle. I usually stick to 500 so we'll see how this goes.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of A&W! Sometimes still refer to that area as "A&W hill".
