Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday morning

It's only 8:30 but I've already did the crossword and wordle (in 4), made my bed, tidied up the kitchen, and called to cancel a physical therapy appt for next Tuesday. It would have been my last one and I don't feel they were doing me much good anyhow.  I went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday to discuss my continuing leg pain and should I still plan on maybe having back surgery at some point?  He ordered an MRI (which I'll have to take a pill for because I'm claustrophobic) and then said he'll refer me to the pain clinic in Silverdale. I went to them last year (I think it was last year?) and had some shots in my back but I don't think they helped that much. Maybe they did and I don't remember. Anyhow, the doctor said "let's hope shots will do it because you don't want to be going into surgery AT YOUR AGE. Say what?  You didn't say those words the last time I saw you.  Of course I'm all for shots if that will do the trick. There is a lady downstairs (a former nurse) who has back shots so I'm going to talk to her today.

Meanwhile, I went to lunch with classmates Mary G, Liz O'Brien, and Karen Jovag (with her husband Dick) at the Whiskey Mill downtown. I think they all go out to eat frequently. At least more than I do. I'd never been in the Whiskey Mill and while the burger I got was real tasty, I can't afford to do $20 lunches very often.  We all discussed our body aches and Karen (like me) was using a cane. They told me about this cream called Voltarin and how I needed to get some for the pain I've been experiencing on my bottom part of my outside leg down by the ankle. Doctor said it's radiating from my low back that is out of whack. Anyhow I went over to Don's and picked up a tube and as soon as I got home, I applied it to my leg which had been throbbing all morning long. Within an hour or so, I noticed my leg pain was gone. I was over the moon happy. And it's still gone! Yippee!  I'm a believer and will buy more once this tube is gone.

I've been having a lot of trouble with my laptop and decided to pull out the old PC I still have so I'll at least have something to use while this one is acting up. My granddaughter Catie was going to get online with me and take over my computer electronically so she could maybe find the problem. It was literally freezing up on me. We made a date to do it the following evening as she had class that night. And then....for whatever reason, the computer appeared to get better. She still looked at it and tweeked a few things I didn't like. Then the computer decided it needed to fix something itself and started to analyze files. It was taking forever as it said they needed to fix my hard drive. We gave up and I went back to watch tv. Checked it before going to bed and it seemed to be all okay. It was telling me my battery was low, however, so I'm thinking maybe I'll have my daughter, Mary, pick me up a new one at Costco so I can get it at Thanksgiving. I just don't know for sure if I need to purchase a new one or if I should wait a while. I'll think on it.

I baked up 5 mini loaves of zucchini bread yesterday and stuck them in the freezer. I'll take to Port Angeles next month when I get together with the kids for dinner. Might be as many as 15 going now. More or less.  Should be fun.

I ordered Acorn channel on my roku streaming channels the other day. Good price for two or three months and then I think it's $7 a month. I may or may not cancel then. Right now I'm thoroughly enjoying the shows. Am into one now called Mystery Road: Origin and it's filmed in Australia.

The season has definitely changed as it's getting darker sooner and is pretty dark when I get up. Fine with me. I'm ready for fall. I have to make a quick Safeway and QFC run this morning. Maybe I'll go get that done now before the rains hit. Only thing on my agenda is a little ironing. Yeah, I still iron but not that much. Plan on working on obits today if my computer stays working well and I have a new jigsaw set up. The 500 piece one I was working on was irritating the hell out of me so I put it away and got a 300 piece. I refuse to let a puzzle get under my skin. haha

Here's the picture I picked this morning for my desktop photo. Just love it.

And here's an interesting video....

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