Finally got in to see my new doctor yesterday. So happy that she's a good one. She gave me 40 minutes and was super helpful. Been a long time since I had a doctor. Ironically, I was mainly interested in what options I might have since the pain clinic injection did not help my leg pain. She showed me the MRI results and felt the lower leg pain is definitely related to the low back issue I have. A bulging disk among other things. Even though my back doesn't hurt, my lower leg aches all day long. She felt a return trip to the pain clinic in Poulsbo for another injection might be helpful but I won't have a followup with them until next week. And that follow up will be with a P.A. on video. Surgery is probably the only other thing to try but that's not ideal given my age and the results of all the lab work I had. Lordy! Sometimes I wonder how I'm still upright. When I saw the results were in on 'my chart', I reluctanctly clicked on the site to go see the damage. I had five red exclamatory marks before I even got into each file. Like I typed above....big sigh.
Some of the things that were high have been high in the past so I wasn't real surprised about them. I'm not quite diabetic yet but I'd better get my act together or I soon will be. I can fix that. Just have to buckle down. Other things I'll have to be counseled on. Google, of course, has me on my last legs. Like my B-12 numbers. They were super high and that was surprising. Google said it had to do with my liver. And they used the C word! But then the C word is used frequently when you google ailments. My platelets were super low and I know that's a blood issue. I won't bore you with the rest and I'm going to try and not think about it until my follow-up.
Sadly, I woke up yesterday with a case of vertigo. Now, that makes me sad! And while I've had vertigo in the past and I knew what exercises I had to do on my bed to try and fix it, it still scares me. I DO NOT LIKE BEING DIZZY. I started to do the exercise (epley) last night but got so dizzy, I chickened out of doing it and had a neighbor come down and sit with me. I'm really a baby when it comes to vertigo. Anyhow, I managed to get through it, she left, and I went to bed. Then the room started to spin like crazy. I just laid there and hung on. This morning I got up and fixed coffee and decided to get dressed and do the epley again. The dizziness was lessened but still there so I'll continue to do them throughout the day and hope for the best. I can only handle my body having one issue at a time. If two things are going on, I'm a basket case. I wish I was stronger but I know my limits.
Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with Joanne Gilles at a nearby restaurant. IF I'm not spinning, that is. Thursday I have a recertifiation meeting with the manager here to do my paper work. UGH! And then she inspects my apt. Another ugh! Be glad when that's done and out of my hair!
I've got my apartment decorated with what few decorations I have. Ended up putting a lot outside my door. I'm continuing to work on my obit book and if I can feel better, I'll head to the sewing machine. I also got out a few rocks to paint. Needed a diversion. Saw this thing online called Pocket Hugs where you paint small rocks up. I'll hide them around town when I'm feeling better.
I want to get some more small rocks as you're suppose to paint in one color and then paint a heart in the same color but a darker shade. I used light blue and dark blue on these but the picture makes them look black. I want to try yellow, green, and orange next but don't think I can handle bending over at the beach to pick up rocks right now.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get that flu that everyone seems to be getting. And if it's not the flu, it's a rotten cold. I do not do well with colds or flu. Makes me crabby.
Well, it's early (9:40 a.m.) so I think I'll run to QFC and pick up my pills and get that over with. The doctor upped my b/p presription a bit as she wants it lower. If it's too high, you can't get surgery but then my kidney numbers suck too so that could eliminate a surgery option. I guess I should be thankful I'm still upright and moving.
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