Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday morning

 Sitting here trying to decide what I want to accomplish today. Or course it pretty much depends on what the legs do once I'm up on my feet and moving. Nothing has helped the ongoing pain so yesterday I went to the pot store and am trying a new thing that a neighbor down the hall says works better than what I've been using.  I did decide to stay off the ibuprofen as she said that stuff is bad for your kidneys and liver. My lab numbers for both those organs have been less than good so no more ibuprofen for me. I knew they weren't good for kidneys but tylenol has never helped at all and I'm not taking aspirin because my thin skin breaks out in red marks. Oh, the joys of aging. It never ends.

I have the Christmas gifts I've bought so far sitting on the table so I'll start wrapping until I run out of paper. I don't have a lot of gifts but I have little paper too so we'll see which wins the race. Outside of that, the only projects I have on tap are my book about obits and sewing. My calendar for the rest of December has two doctor appts (one is a video appt) and that's about it except my daughter and her husband are coming on the 21st. I'll keep Poppy (their dog) overnight while they stay in a motel and visit her dad the following day.

My granddaugher, Maddie, (in Mississippi)  graduated college and will head to Alabama soon for officer training in the air force. So proud of her.

Jenni sent me a picture yesterday of Hunter's dog, Nellie, sitting by the heater with Sammy. She sure has grown since I saw her at Thanksgiving. 

Well, I guess I'll go do some epley exercises on my bed now. I thought the vertigo was gone but I'm thinking maybe not completely as I feel a little dizzy. Not spinning, but not right either. So sick of this!

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