It's a quarter to ten and I already ventured out on a quick errand. Only needed two things at Safeway but of course, I came back with a full sack. Am still using my gift cards from Christmas and oh, how I love those! I was out of bar soap of all things and I looked and looked but all I could find was one pkg of Ivory bars. Seems like a strange thing to be out of at the store but maybe I just didn't see them. At any rate, Ivory is okay.
I saw they had Safeway brand ice cream on sale for $2.49 but you had to use a coupon. I pulled out my phone to scan but I'm never sure if I'm doing it right so I had to have the clerk make sure when I checked out. And I hadn't so she did it manually. I really hate it that you have to jump through all their damn hoops to get the lowest price. But it's either play the game or pay more.
Two paragraphs in and then I remember I have to enlarge my font. Irks me that I can't have it set before hand the way I like it. It was sure cold out there. Felt like snow really. As I turned on Hancock heading home, I saw my neighbor walking (with a cane) so I gave her a ride back to the doctor's office. Felt good to do a good deed.
I've got golf on tv right now. Just for background noise. I usually put on Pandora music and I will sooner or later. The news shows are not a good way to start the day.
I just got another book order so I'm up to 50 counting the three I'm giving to my daughters. I wasn't hearing back from on how to order more books so I went back to their website and started surfing around. Finally found a page where I could put in my quantity and they'd charge my visa card. Not sure how long I have to wait for the books to arrive but I've got manila envelopes ordered and have all the addresses I need except for maybe one or two.
I'm playing with the idea of hosting a book party of sorts. Might serve punch and cookies in the activity room (or the main living room as it's nicer) and have local folks come and pick up their copy. Those who can't make that can always just drop in at my apt as I'm usually here.
My plans for today include painting up a few rocks, working on my latest jigsaw puzzle, and maybe messing around at the sewing machine. There are a lot of videos on youtube about things you can do with scrap material so I'm going to look them over as well.
Becky Fernandes texted me recently asking if I knew when the mill luncheons might start up again at the Roadhouse. I told her that maybe she should take the bull by the horn. So, I think that's what she's doing. Her and Paul Jacobsen. I hope so because those luncheons were awfully fun. And I knew most everybody there. That's the best part. Not to mention the door prizes. I've probably got a couple things I could donate for prizes.
My latest fun thing to watch (on Hulu) is Mr. Inbetween. It's about a hit man who is a loving family man too. Sounds weird I know but it is really good. And funny. I'm on season 3 and wishing there were more.
Well, I think I'll stick an audio book in and do a little jigsaw puzzle work. I've got a small one (maybe 300 pieces?) of the Beatles. It was given me by a neighbor and it's never been opened so I can be assured all the pieces are there. The last two or three have had edge pieces missing and that kind of ruins the fun for me. This Beatles one is two sided.
Mary Gaboury is back from Vegas now. Had the time of her life. Her daughter bought her some fancy clothes to wear and I got to see video of her on FB dancing.
Two of her nephews and others showed up to surprise her so it was a good 80th for her.
And that's it for today. They're finally getting around to painting the hallway outside my door so that's a good thing.
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