Sunday, January 22, 2023

My Sunday Morning

 Another crummy night of sleeping. Feet neuropathy to blame partly and maybe some restless leg syndrome going on too. Damn nuisance. I went to the recliner at 2 and repeated what happened the night before. Couldn't drop off so got up and played solitaire online. Woke up at 7 and decided to just get on with my day no matter how crummy I felt.

I sat down to start cleaning up my computer files and next thing I knew it was noon. I worked steadily on it and while parts made me a tad nervous, once I got my rhythm going and kind of knew what I was doing, I managed to move right along. Got all my pictures onto one jumpdrive and another day (maybe tomorrow) I will look at that drive and see what else I can delete.

I got all my genealogy stuff on another drive and all my writings and book notes on a third drive.  I ended up deleting many things that I now find boring. Cartoons and words of wisdom mostly. haha  At least I got my document files fixed up so I can find things more easily now. That was my whole purpose. I ended up deleting 13,400 things in my trash file. Gees!

I finished a quilt yesterday so I'm not in the mood today to tackle anything else. I probably will tomorrow,though. Nothing too complicated; strip sewing crumb pieces together. I'd really like to do some applique work so maybe I'll look into that.

I've got a big ole pan of soup simmering now. Split pea. Haven't added the peas yet as I'm letting the other things cook down a bit.   My hamburger at the Roadhouse was tasty yesterday but I didn't order the side salad to go because they changed things around and now if you want salad, you have to pay $2 extra. As it was it cost $13 or more just for the burger. I know every place costs more to eat these days but it sure does curtail my ability to go out more frequently to eat. I did get a cup of clam chowder with my burger and I took that home to have for dinner.

Can't think of much else to write about today so guess I'll go stir that soup up and see what I can find on tv. Kris Kristofferson is playing on my Pandora music right now. Man, is he ever cute!  The song is Sunday Morning Comin' Down.  One of my favorites.  I like Johnny Cash's rendition too.

And that's it for today.

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