Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday irritations

 It's going on noon and I think I'll make a chicken sandwich in  a bit. Spent over and hour or so downstairs pinning a large quilt to a flannel sheet and backing. So hard. So many puckers. I finally completed it and will see about finishing it off in a few days. It will be the last large quilt I work on. Hurts my back too much and they generally end up looking like crap anyhow! I've still got lots of material in bins to play with so maybe I'll make wall hangings or lap quilts. Cant't not work on something because even though my end products don't give me joy, I still like messing around with my machine and material.

I've been waiting over a week for the hematologist's office to call and set me up with an appt. I finally decided to call them myself and she said the doctor didn't get back to her on who to set me up with so she'd shoot her over a second request. Grrrr....  This morning the schedular calls and says they don't have anyone available but a new person is coming in May so they'll call and give me an appt then. I do hate the medical world these days. And sadly, this is a common problem. Countrywise from what I've seen covered on tv. No doctors out there. Sad state of affairs.

I'm kind of leaning on not getting the back surgery now. If I have blood issues and anesthesia issues and other health issues, maybe surgery isn't the way to proceed. Can't seem to get answers from the doctors so I'll have to figure this out on my own. I don't really want surgery anyhow. If I have to use a walker to maneuver around, then so be it!  I know back problems are common.

The Oscars were disappointing.  Will never understand how Everything Everywhere got all the honors. That movie was stupid and boring. Yesterday I came across this show on the tubi channel (via my roku) called The Village. It has two seasons and I binge watched season 1. Will start in with the second season today. I'm finding the local cable channels are continually getting on my nerves. Not only do they repeat the same exact news stories day after day but the commerical pretty much take up all the air time.And a heck of a lot of the programs available are either reruns or so stupid, who could stand to sit and watch?

I've got a jigsaw puzzle in process now. One I bought on Amazon, It's okay but isn't as much fun as I thought it was going to be. I guess I'm kind of in a dissatisfied period right now. Can you tell? haha

I'm still having a hard time sitting down to read without nodding off but I am getting better. I'm into Sacajawea and The Thorn Birds. Reading both at the same time. And one just arrived from thriftbooks that I'm also eager to start. About Wallis Simpson. I enjoy British stuff.

Absolutly nothing on my calendar for the rest of the month. Just shot an email over to my daugther in PA to see if she wanted to have lunch and do some gambling at the casino. I think I need a change of scenery.

And that's about it for now. Off to my puzzle I go.

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