Tuesday, April 25, 2023

I'm Just Off!

 I don't really know what my problem has been this month but whatever it is, I'm getting sick and tired of it!  Just don't feel on top of things. So tired. I've been to a P.A., my doctor, a hematologist, and the ER! No one can seem to figure out what's going on. So......I've come to the conclusion that I just aged a hell of a lot these past weeks.  Have had several blood tests, an EKG, a urinalysis, and an ultrasound. Nothing. But you know when your body is not right. I think I'm just going to have to go with the flow and see if it remedies itself. I did have a virus of some sort for a few days because I slept for several days pretty much around the clock. And yeah, I gave myself a couple covid tests too, just in case. Negative. Only plus of this business is that I lost ten pounds.

I've been annoyed at my inability to do what I used to be able to do but I know that goes with the aging process and I'll just have to deal with it like everyone else does. I seem to be fine if I just sit but my regular routine was to be active with several hobbies. I think a lot of the problem was not being able to sleep that well. That can certainly screw up your daytime level of .energy.  And I can't help but think depression was rearing its ugly head too as I have little interest in doing a lot of the things I used to find pleasure in.

I have decided against having back surgery. No way am I subjecting my body to that when it already feels pretty ickypoo. I do have an appt this week to see if the orthopedic doctor will give me a cortisone shot in my hip. That's the only thing really bugging me now. Well, that and the damn foot neuropathy I deal with. I think it's called peripheral artery disease. It can cause, among other things, lack of coordination and muscle weakness. I have to take a heated rice pack to bed with me at night to ease the discomfort of my toes. They don't actually hurt but are terribly uncomfortable and dead feeling. Annoying as hell! And from what I've read on Google, the neuropathy is probably at the root of all the other problems I'm experiencing right now.  Thank god for Google. Otherwise, I'd probably never get any answers!

Of course I'm well aware that lots of people have it worse than me. I am thankful I can still get out and drive and shop and I'm hoping I can start walking more. Even if it means using my walker to do it. I'm fine with that.

I got up this morning and fixed some oatmeal for breakfast and then did a litttle rearranging of various bins in my apt that hold everything from clothes, bags, wrapping paper, material, shoes, and blankets. I've got two bins full of quilts I've made and I've got to find people who might want one.  I was pleased with the progress I made but it wore me out completely. And that depressed me. Used to be I could do a lot more around here before having to crash.   I decided to go for a ride around town. That relaxes me some.

Went to North Beach and picked up a handful of small rocks to paint later on. Drove around here and there just looking at homes. So much has changed in this town. Saw a few dozen kids getting ready to go for a bike ride out at Blue Heron School on San Juan Avenue. Later, they passed me going through town. Sure wish we could have done stuff like that when I was in school. Would have preferred it much more than the stupid PE classes we had to endure.

Parking here has sure become a problem. One guy has three cars taking up spaces, another has two and a woman has her broken down van parked and it hasn't moved in years. She just stores stuff in it. I've complained to the manager as some people (like me) have a hard time having to walk further to get to the door. And the guy with three cars is a young dude who walks just fine.  I heard a woman down the hall was going to speak to him about moving two of the cars to the side parking lot but I haven't heard yet if he was going to.

My favorite tv show right now is Port Protection. (about living off the grid in Alaska)  It was on the National Geographic channel once a week but then I saw that Disney+ was carrying it to stream. So I signed up. Then I couldn't find it so I cancelled.  The next day I did find it only they were calling it Lawless Island. I think there are 10 seasons of 10 episodes so far and I'm binge watching them all. The first few seasons are commercial free but I'm having to mute once I get to the ads.  Fascinating show with fascinating people. Look it up on IMDB.

My friend, Mary, is due back from Yuma at the end of this week so that will be nice. My cousin, Linda, is coming up for Rhody next month and again in June for her 60th high school alumni. It will be the first time she's ever gone to one.

Well, I set out a little material yesterday and intend to work slowly at the table cutting out various quilt square patterns I want to try. Nothing much else on the agenda except reading. I did finish Sacajawea and I bought another book by that same author called Prairie.  Saw on Facebook that my granddaughter and her husband drove to Yellowstone for a short vacation. Just amazes me how brave young people are.

My oldest daughter is moving this week. Still in PA but out of their house and into an apartment complex. I know she'll be much happier there. My sister lived there for a short time and I tried getting in there myself before this place opened up.

Well, that's about it for now. Here's a photo someone posted on FB. I always save stuff like this. The old railroad Y.

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