Woke up at 6 a.m. to my damn smoke alarm dinging. I was in my recliner so it was right over my head. I wasn't happy. I climbed up there (didn't like that) and took out the battery but it kept on so I had to get the maintenance guy up here. Thankfully, he comes in early and got it fixed quickly.
I've got two errands today. One to QFC and the other to Eccho to return the second walker I borrowed. I ended up spending 3 hours in the ER Friday night. My blood doctor had called at 7 pm and said my potassium level was too high. Told me to stop my b/p medicine and go to the hospital where I might need an infusion. Say what?! I figured I'd been in and out but silly me! And the damn doctor didn't do a thing. The nurse did all his rigamaroll and then the doctor stuck his head in and said I was good to go. I hate ERs!
Went to my alumni on Saturday. Stayed an hour to take pictures and had to leave because my feet were hurting something awful. And this was using a walker! So mad. I'm going to try and find a podiatrist when I get to Vancouver (the one here is useless). I'm thinking there's something more than neuropathy going on down there. It hurts just to walk.
Finished a pretty good book yesterday -- Ordinary Grace by Willian Krueger. Also watched a movie on Hulu that was excellent. Terribly sad and terribly violent in places but a very good flick. In black and white called The Painted Bird.
Am working on a Maive Binchy book next. Quentins. I'm thinking I might go through some of my boxes this week to rearrange and see if there's anything I could possibly take out to give away. I'm terribly worried that the trailer and two cars won't hold my stuff.
Well, that's about all I have for today. I'll post my alumni pictures below.
JJ Altemose & Richard (can't remember his last name)Ann Alderman, my cousin, Linda, her daughter, Shelley, Sharon Elliott
Carole Johnson
Carolee & Lavola
Cathy & Gail Redding
My classmates, Mary, Sharon, Sharon, John, Liz Karen, and me
Dave & Mary Crozier
Gail Lindseth
Grant Hansen and his wife
Jan Higdon and Shirley (or Marlene?)
Janice Anglin and Holly Dean (Linda's daughter)
Jim (can't remember his last name( and Maxine Evanson
John Bertak and his wife
John Ecker
My cousin, Dale and his wife Joyce
Kathy & Joanne Gilles
Ken Meehan and Rita Hubbard
Linda Johnson and Kay Hermann
my cousin, Linda Wheat
Liz O'Brien, Karen & Dick Jovag
Lorrie Case
Mary G & Ann Morrison
Mary & Eddie Edwards
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