Sunday, June 4, 2023

Just waiting

 Three weeks from today I'll be moving on down the road. I can hardly wait,  I continue to look at the various things I've boxed up and I can still find items to put on the free table now and again. Today it was three spatulas. I realized that I generally only use two. I finished a very difficult jigsaw puzzle yesterday but am refraining from starting another because the card table takes up too much room what with all the boxes I have stacked in the living room and my bedroom. I started packing weeks ago, knowing full well that I would be done way sooner than moving day. But that's okay. It's what I do.

Tomorrow I'm making a run to the bank to take out cash and Tuesday I have a classmate coming to visit from Issaquah. On Wednesday my cousin, Linda arrives from Louisville and on Saturday we'll head to the Elks Club for the social hour of the alumni assn.  The two weeks following that are free although I will go to lunch with my cousins, Bill and Teresa Arey.

I went downstairs to the library to bring up four books that might keep me occupied. They all seem to be about murder. Hmmm.. Watched golf off and on today. I would read a few pages of one of the books and next thing I knew, I was nodding off and needed a nap.

Dinner tonight is liver. Then all I have left in the freezer is some pkgs of chicken. Easy to fix with the air fryer.

 Mary sent me pictures of them in sightseeing in Seattle with friends who came up for GA. Guess they all had a fabulous time. Poppy got dropped at Catie's house but once I move down there, she'll be able to stay with me when they want to go on trips..

Mary bought Andy a kayak for his birthday.

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. I'll be taking photos on moving day.

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