Thursday, February 8, 2024

SPLAT! And she's down!

 Man, yesterday was not my day.  I went to the dentist (because my knee surgeon said I had to) and they came up with a quote of $3600. I opt to only do some of the things, it's still going to cost me almost $1500. When I left the office, I pulled out into the street and discovered I was going down a one wayt  street the wrong way. But this was only after I got honked at.

I drove on home and pulled into the driveway which is on a high grade. I've been parking at the side of the house but decided I would try the driveway again. It's hard getting in and out of the car but I'm careful. Not yesterday though. The front door didn't close all the way so I opened it to try again. I was trying to get out of the way of it closing and somehow or another got myself turned around. Next thing I knew I was stumbling fast down the grade towards the road.  I remember thinking "Oh hell! This is going to hurt.

And it did. I fell hard flat on my face on the cement, I don't know how my glasses or teeth didnt't break. I knew I couldn't get up so I grabbed my phone to call Mary. They all came running out and were very upset as I had a lot of blood coming out. Mostly from my nose. Thank God Andy was able to lift me. Mary asked what was hurting and I said my dignity. 

I stumbled into the house and Mary proceeded to bandage me and clean me up. Poppy had run out when everybody else did and then she ran back inside. She was upset. For the rest of the evening and again this morning, she kept licking me. Mary said it was her way to comfort me.

Mary had to bandage the top of my hand but otherwise the only thing that hurts is my knee. Of course it's the one I intend to have replaced as soon as the surgeon is ready. It is so sore and swollen I can barely walk even with my walker. Mary wants me to go to doctor but I've had my fill of ERs and refuse to go unless I still can't walk after a few days.

I made my way from my bed to my recliner at 6 a.m. and intend to stay put all day. I can read, watch tv, and nap.  My nose is still stuffed up, mostly with blood I think.

I fell ten years ago in 2013 and that fall caused me to have a knee replacement and later, a shoulder replacement. And I didn't even think it was that bad of a fall. I was able to get myself up right away. Since then I've been very careful so I don't fall again. But my walking has been unsteady for a couple of years now and I suppose it was only a matter of time before my face hit the cement again. Woe is me.


  1. I am sorry to hear this but you’ll be all mended up before you know it. I thought before you had any kind of surgery, all you had to do was a good teeth cleaning? That shouldn’t be more than a couple hundred? Hope all is well very soon. Thinking of you.

  2. Hope you're healing quickly
