Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Searching for Clues Again

Once I learned how to navigate on the computer and studied genealogy tips, I started documenting details on my various ancestors.  It WAS SO MUCH FUN!
I never actually got to know my mother's side of the family much. She was adopted as a baby but I was able to research her adoptive family a bit and eventually, her biological family.  I intend to get back into that again.  Meanwhile, I've got a few stone walls I've run up against in my dad's side.  Mainly, CHARLIE!  I'm beginning to think (not for the first time) that I may not be successful in finding ole Charlie but I'm not quite ready to give up yet. There has to be a  link somewhere. Here's the family photo I've been studying for years.....
My dad's dad was LewGene and I think he was around 12-14 years old in this picture. Never could find out for sure.  That young kid sitting in front is Charlie. I've got another old class picture that has "Charlis" written on the back. Not sure where it was taken but I assume Oregon.

At any rate,  I have not been able to find anything on Charlie. You wouldn't believe how many Blankenships there are out there and how many Charlies too.  Unfortunately, I don't even know if Charlie is a first or middle name or how it was spelled.  I think it's very queer that I can't find a birth record on him. I found birth and death records on every other person in this photo and I was able to track pretty much everywhere they went, who they married, what they did, etc.

My biggest clue (besides this photo) that he existed as part of the family is a letter my great grandmother received from her sister where the sister comments on "little Charlie."  When my great grandmother died, her obit didn't mention Charlie but when my great grandfather died, Charlie was mentioned (in passing) as "a son, Chas, living in California."
My aunt Velna told me once that she asked her dad (Lew Gene) whatever happened to his brother, Charles, and he said "Oh, he just ran off one day and never came back."

My imagination has run wild trying to figure out that one.  Did he not get along with his folks and siblings? Was he a wild child? Was he adopted? Was he the love child of my great grandfather but raised by my great grandmother anyhow? 

Sadly, the one census record that might give me a few answers (1890) was burned in a fire and that particular period of time is lost to all those wanting family tree history.  Irks me no end! One distant cousin on has Charlie listed as being born on Mar 15, 1881 but I don't know where she got that info and a lot of times you just can't rely on what you see on that website as there are tons of errors.

I do figure he was born around that time, however, so I suppose it could be correct. I've tried searching using Charles Blankenship using alternate spellings and birthdates. I've also tried California death records and military records.  Too many Charlie Blankenships to pinpoint my guy. I had heard that he married and had one kid but again, don't have any names or dates or validation. 

He could even have changed his name as far as that goes. I had a heck of a time finding this one particular relative and finally found out that he didn't like his mom (and maybe his dad too) so he changed his last name!  Grrrr.....

I've been going around and around for a long time trying to  solve this puzzle but I may have to set it aside (again!) and move on to another relative.  Like Charlie's mother.  My great grandmother, Jane Downs I've been able to find a few things on.  Like her dad's name, where she was born and when; when she married and where, and all her kids names. Even her death but I can't figure out who her mom was and what her whole name is.  I think her mom died when she was a kid and the dad remarried but then the dad died (when she was still a kid) and I think relatives took her in and eventually took her with them traveling from Delaware to Illinois.  May have stopped in Iowa too. I'm still working on that, as well.

Yep. Genealogy can keep you occupied once you let yourself get lost in it.  I've spent all afternoon on the computer today but at least it's more productive than playing freecell solitaire and bingo.  ha ha

Pictures for today:  Jen & Wayne with friends getting ready for their Alaska Cruise.
And this one I saw on Facebook which I thought was so cute. Today was Jake's second day of kindergarten.  Everything went well the first day but today was kind of a rough start for him. Also got stung by a bee.  I still remember my first day of school.  I clung to this chain that was across the playground from the bus area and the principal had to come out and help pry my fingers off of it as I didn't want any part of my mother leaving me at that large brick building. Funny how certain things stay with you your entire life and other things are gone forever.
The Toy Story films are some of my most favorite. I have three of them and intend to buy the 4th.

If anybody has any suggestions on how I might move forward with my search, I'm all ears. And don't tell me the Mormons. Already did that.

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