Brrr! Cold again this morning. It must have been around 3:30 when I first woke up and while I can usually head back to dreamland quickly, sometimes my mind wanders over this or that and an hour passes while I'm laying there fuming. I got up at 5 to turn on the heat, looked at the outside temps and it registered in the mid 30's. I decided to try bed again and thankfully, I dropped off until 6:30. I do hate that period of time between waking up and having a talk with my body about how she needs to get up. It's usually my kidneys (or bowels- sorry to share but it is my blog) that dictate how much longer I'm going to stay warm and cozy in the sack.
I stumble through the house doing the usual morning routine -- opening blinds, making coffee, making the bed, tidying up here and there. I sat down to have a cup of coffee and browse the internet before washing up and getting dressed. Crossword puzzle went fast so that was good. Got company coming later this morning (John O'Brien) so we're gonna' grab a bite to eat and maybe drive around. Not sure where just yet. I wonder if he'll drive with the roads being so icy this morning. Probably. Not everyone is as much of a scaredy cat of weather as I am.
It's nice to know company is coming now and again as it motivates me to clean up the place a little. It's never really that dirty but it can get cluttered up, like most homes do. I put away various books lying around, shook out the bathroom rugs, cleaned the toilet and took the range top apart to clean it.
When we were having our cold snap, I decided to keep a kettle of water on the stove to put some moisture in the air. That all day procedure made the top of the stove around the burners all gucky. And it was gross enough that I had to go buy some Brillo pads at the Dollar Tree 'cause it wasn't coming off. I haven't tackled the job just yet but I will.
Got hooked on my jigsaw last night and finally forced myself away from the card table. That's one thing about puzzles -- they can get addicting and you get nothing else done. Not that I have all that much that needs to be done but still.....
I finished another quilt square yesterday morning and this time I picked an easy one called Water Wheel. I've made a whole quilt out of this particular pattern so I was well acquainted with it.
My impulse buy for yesterday was three Jerry Lee Lewis CDs. And yes, I still buy CDs. Listen to them mostly in the car but sometimes around the house if Pandora or the various radio stations are getting on my nerves. Next thing I have to buy is a new cellphone. Mine won't hold a charge anymore and can sometimes go completely dead after a phone call of ten minutes or more. Mary is going to go online and see what I need and have it shipped here. Then I'll transfer the sim card, call her with the number of the sim and she'll add my new phone to her account and take off the old one.
All Greek to me. I'm so glad she's willing to do the technical stuff that would drive me nuts.
I found all the seasons of Life Below Zero on the Disney+ channel I have on my roku. Maddie subscribed and shared her password with me. I do love watching that show, even when I've seen them all.
Was reminded yet again this morning that I need to stop and read labels. I bought some Walmart face cream. Cheap stuff but fit my budget. And I should have let it go at that. I was in Safeway the other day and thought I'd pick up a small bottle of name brand cream, just to see if it made any difference on how my face felt. It didn't. I read the ingredients and THEY WERE THE SAME. Will I never learn?
Here a picture I saw on my cousin, Diane Westergaard's FB page that I thought was pretty.
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