Saturday, January 4, 2020

Saturday 11:20 a.m.

Hmmm....I see I've already let two days go by without blogging. Going to have to work on that--even if my little notes are beyond boring.  56 years ago today about this time I was in Ruth Stapf's bedroom getting dressed for my wedding.  Wow! So many memories of so long ago.  Wish I had more pictures of that day but thankfully, my cousin, Claude Walker, came with camera in hand and took what few I have now. Here's one taken the month before our wedding when we were both much thinner as well as younger.
I went to bed at 9 last night because now that I've caught up on the Ray Donovan shows, nothing else much interested me. Plus, I was tired beyond words.  Coast guard helicopters woke me up at 10:30 and I was not pleased!  They do this every now and again and my blood pressure goes up every time!
I got up after an hour to have some cocoa and go online to cancel my YoutubeTV and Showtime subscriptions. They'll run through this month so at least I can catch the Golden Globes tomorrow and 3 more Sunday shows of Donovan.  I went back to bed after midnight and then at 1:30,the helicopters woke me up again. They were right over my house and the windows rattled.  I was yelling lots of unladylike words about that time.

I headed down to Safeway around 9:30 as I like to get my errands done and over with; plus I like the lighter crowds.  My right hip and knee were bothering me a bit and it wasn't long before I found walking the aisles was becoming an issue even holding on to the cart.  Hate it when that happens. Especially since I haven't had to deal with those sore joints for quite a while now.  As I walked to the car, I felt my knee catch and go weak. Oh dear. Don't let me fall. That's one of my fears -- falling in public.  I made it to car with a sigh of relief and decided I'd best use my cane around the house today.
I assume it's arthritis. Maybe aggravated with the rainy damp weather but then again, I am 76 so there is that!

I did a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen sink (it never shines like I wish it would), wrote a letter, and sorted through my CDs so the easy listening ones are close at hand.  I finished a jigsaw puzzle yesterday and it was really a fun one. I got three puzzles for Xmas so I think I'll open the 2nd one today

I made up three tossed salads and sealed them in Tupperware bowls so that will be dinner the next three nights while I carry on with my usual January attempt at dieting.  I was going to try and avoid bread but I'm too weak-livered to go full force at that useless attempt.  I  did pass over bread while at Safeway but I bought a pkgs of English muffins so I can half a muffin at breakfast with coffee. I also bought some Kaiser rolls as I recently put 17 hamburger patties in the freezer for a quick fix dinner on those nights when I just don't want to cook. Which is most nights. Having a burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, and cheese is almost like having a plate of cookies. My patties are awfully small but then I wanted that 10 lbs. of hamburger to stretch as far as I could make it stretch.

Today I'm going to do a little crumb quilt piecing in the sewing room, start a new book (Anybody can do Anything by Betty MacDonald), set out my puzzle, and watch golf.  Tonight is the Golden Globes and I always love watching those awards shows, even when I'm lucky to have seen any of the nominees.

I've pulled out my Blankenship notes on genealogy so I may take another run at trying to find Charley, my grandpa's youngest brother.  I need to try other websites besides as my continued efforts lead me no where. I've accepted the fact that I may never find Charlie but I'll continue to look.  I'll forever kick myself for not asking more questions of my grandpa and my aunts when I had the chance.

Nothing on my calendar of events this week or next.  I am heading to PT on Jan. 19th, though, for Ruth's funeral. Expect several classmates to be there so I'll be carrying my camera. And that's about all I have for today. While looking for a picture of me and John on our wedding day, I realized I was missing one of us in the car we drove back to Portland with the next day. I'll have to go looking around and see if I can't find what I did with it. Filing photos has always been a fun project for me and it never ends. I'll add that to my to-do list this week.  Okay, I just found the photos I was looking for. Here's the car we borrowed from a ship mate of his.

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