Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sewing Day

I had a pretty nice day overall.  Only fly in the ointment is the sciatica pain that continues to hang on. My routine has been to leave bed at 2 or 3 or if I'm lucky, 4 in the morning, and head to the recliner to finish my nights' sleep. Most of the time I'm up by 6:30 or 7 and can count on the first 10 or 15 minutes being pretty painful.  So happy I have a walker that helps me navigate during this first time up in the morning period when I'm usually moaning in pain. It's so pathetic sometimes.

I kept my door closed today as the maintainance man is painting our floor and the fumes are bothersome. My latest quilt project is my Pandemic Quilt that I'm working on little by little using whatever material I have onhand.  I'm kind of learning as I go, and I suppose I am repeating myself but it's all I got.

I had music on (my own CDs) most of the time but I discovered a book on tape I had forgotten I bought at the library gift shop in PA so I started listening to that.  I washed up dishes and that was the extent of my housework today.  Which suits me fine.  I did a little surfing on Facebook just to see if I could find anything interesting.  Sometimes I look at the friends list that my friends have to see if their pages are open for me to look at their photos. 

I was looking over the remote that came with the cable service and discovered I can set my favorite channels so I don't have to surf through all the junk I don't care about. Which is most of it.  I've been trying to think of some new craft I might want to try but haven't really settled on anything in particular. It's got to be something relaxing and something that doesn't require I go buy tools and supplies.  I do have some rocks set aside from my East Beach outing and I may pull out my paints to play with them.  I also downloaded a counted cross stitch pattern I found on Pinterest that was free and printed out nice and large so I can see it easily. I picked something that wasn't terribly complicated -- a few leaves of holly and red berries.

I was trying to think of a way to keep the apt. from smelling when I had food thrown into the garbage each day. I have a trash bin with a lid but no garbage chewer upper.  You know...that thing by your sink that makes a lot of noise and I can't think of what it's called.  That's been happening more and more lately and it does kind of alarm me. I'll probably come up with the word before I finish posting on this blog.  Anyhow, I had a large V8 juice can and I took off the top. I'm putting food in there and covering it with this snug bowl to keep away the fruit flies. Then I'll toss in another bag and take down to the laundry room where the garbage is collected.  Am I repeating myself again? I'm too lazy to go read yesterday's post.  My neighbor has a better plan, though, so I'm going to try that. She takes scraps and keeps them in a large zip bag and stores it in the freezer until it's full and ready to be transferred to the laundry room. Sounds a tad strange but I suppose it would work bettern than a can on the counter.  Garbage disposal. That's the word. Told you I'd get it. haha

Tomorrow will be more sewing on the quilt and maybe I'll think of some way to use my water color paints. I'd like to try some painting on paper but I'm not much of an artist so I'll have to think it over. I wonder if those color books for adults would be good for painting or if they're more for colored pencils, felt pens, and color crayons.

I've also got my genealogy notebooks sitting nearby reminding me that they're ready to go whenever I am.  By the way, if you want some family data researched, let me know family names, dates, towns, etc. I could use a good project to play around with.

Well, I guess I'll retire to my recliner and look over the Reader's Digest that came in the mail today. Need to get back to my book too. The Emigrants

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