Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Got a few things done today

I took the memory foam off my bed last night because my hip has been bothering a bit and I've got it in my head that the mattress is to blame.  I know that's not so.  My obesity and age are to blame but we don't need to discuss that. I woke up at 3 and my hip was killing me!  Off to the recliner I crawled. And I mean slowly.  I could hardly walk my legs hurt so bad.  Took a couple ibuprofen and curled up in the chair with my comforter. Slept until almost 8 -- and that never happens.
I immediately put the foam back on the bed and then started my morning chores.  Cleaned the shower, took a shower, washed a load of whites, made my bed, tidied up here and there and awaited breakfast.,

It was lame.  Think they're trying to cut down on their food menu. I thought it was scrambled eggs with hash browns but there was very little eggs in there and it wasn't breakfast meat but ground beef and some cheese and some kind of hot sauce.  Not to my liking. I don't like ground beef ro breakfast and that the second time this week they've served it. I'm going to pass the breakfasts I don't care for to Trish who will share with the 103 year old lady or with the birds and ducks and dogs. haha

I've got a lot of cereal and yogurt onhand and I can always cook up a pancake if I want one too. Their pancakes are so tough you can barely cut them with a fork. Most mornings I'm up by 6:30 or 7 and have coffee and toast then wait two hours for breakfast. I'd just as soon eat earlier a lot of the time.

I made a dozen cupcakes, frosted them, and took half a dozen neighbors one.  The next morning I cooked up the rest of the batter (made six more) but my damn oven burnt them.  I DO NOT LIKE
having an appliance you can't trust.  But the manager couldn't care less.

I sewed another quilt square pattern today and it is by far, the worst one yet. I won't even post it because it makes me ill. I've got to pick patterns that are easier since I have no color sense. I did get a book read today and that is satisfying. Good book too. I lent it to Kris Logue and took her another called Educated that I know she'll like
So interesting to ride slowly through town (especially Lawrence St) and see how much the place has changed. Homes are all remodeled and beautiful.  I had to take a shot from Kris' porch. She's got one of the best views in town.
Stopped to take one of the Uptown Theater too.  Such a shame that it would cost thousands to get it painted.
Saw this picture on Facebook of when the Lincoln Building was under construction so I had to post one of my old postcards of the after building.

Mary sent me a video of Jake mastering the big boy bike and it was fun to see the excitement on his face of having the freedom to ride like the wind.

Well, I think I'm going to head to the recliner now and put my legs up.  I sure hope the trouble I had walking today isn't a return of the sciatica.  There are days when getting from my car to the inside of Safeway is a real struggle. Even using a cane doesn't seem to give much relief. Oh woe is me.

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