Thursday, September 22, 2022

Busy Birthday Day!

 Well, it's 6:43 pm and I can finally sit down and post on my blog. Had a lot of odds and ends to attend to first -- dinner, dishes, phone calls,  craft project to work on, Facebook responses, pictures to edit, and scratch tickets to scratch. And no I didn't win but I'm hopeful for tonight's match 4 draw.  I can see the first thing I need to do here is enlarge the font. My eyes don't seem to be working as well as they used to and since I've set up my laptop in a new way, the screen is a little further off and causing me grief.

I'll try the medium font for now.  I made a list of everything I wanted to yak about but it might be "all over the place" as I jump from topic to topic. We'll start with my face. haha   Kris Logue posted a recent one of me and it was kind of scary. I pulled up my graduation picture to look at how I've aged in 62 years.  Wish I could figure out how to post pictures on here side by side but I've never been able to do that.  OH!  Look at that! I did it. Now if I can do it again.



Actually, if I wore makeup(I never have) and if I had better & smaller glasses and if I had decent hair, it might not look so dreadful. Oh well, what the hell! It is what it is.

My neighbor, Trish, who is the ambassador in this building, hung balloons on my door (she does it for everybody) and made me some mini cakes, distributed a card around and gave me flowers.  Nice way to start my morning. Oh my! I did it again. Yay me!  Don't forget you can click on the photos to see them better.

My cousin, Linda, called me from KY this afternoon. She always calls me on my birthday and we catch up on who has died, who is sick, and what tv shows we're watching now. She's loving Game of Thrones. I did buy the first series of that years back but I just couldn't get into it. Everyone was getting killed all the time. At the same time, she couldn't get into The Sopranos and that's one of my most favorite shows ever. I bought all the seasons. And how did this font get small again. This blog drives me nuts sometimes.

My granddaughter, Catie, called this afternoon and said her and her husband are coming to visit on Sunday. We'll work on crafts. Oh boy.  I did go online to see how much small boxes would cost to put my little Xmas presents in and I had to give up on that idea. I only wanted 3-1/2 X 3-1/2 but the cheapest deal was still about a dollar a piece. I only wanted to pay a quarter a piece, if that!  Everything costs too much.  When Mary Gaboury and went downtown to walk Water Street and hit a few stores, I soon discovered (although I think I already knew) that all the shops downtown are pretty much for tourists only.  I had planned on buying something in every store we went into but I decided I wasn't in the mood to be ripped off.  The bead store was about the only one that had decent prices.

I saw a little journal book with blank pages (leather cover) but basically small  and I picked it up thinking it might be $12 or $20 at the most. Nope. $52!  I'm not stupid.

When we got home, I had a little box on my doorstep. My daughter, Mary, had told me when her present arrived, she wanted to Facetime me with the phone so she could watch me open it.  I wondered for days what was coming. A stuffed animal? Something I had given her years back?  My mind wandered.  I knew it would probably be something I'd never think of.  And it was!  Very cute and pretty square box. I took off the lid and butterflies came flying out all over the room. Scared me half to death.  There was a small gift card sticking out and when I pulled it, the little cake inside popped up and candle on it erupted with confetti. My floor is a mess but it's kind of pretty.

I gave up trying to line these up in a row.  It was one of those things where you just had to be there. Ha!

My daughter, Mary, often gives me a Safeway gift card for Xmas or birthday. She couldn't find any in the Safeway store and since she was driving north that day, she stopped in Centralia to visit their Safeway. She needed gas anyhow. They also had none available. The clerk there told her she could do it electronically so I end up getting an email where I click on the link and print out this page telling me to take it to the Safeway for a card.  She still had a birthday card on her to mail but didn't want to mail it with nothing inside so she bought three scratch tickets. (I didn't win on any) Boo Hoo  She mailed the envelope in Galvin (outside Centralia) as she was driving around trying to find a mailbox. I was hoping Galvin would be on the postmark but nope, they sent it off to Tacoma.

Mary sent me three photos of the three of them at home having a kick back day. Jake did face painting on both his parents and got to frost the cake.

Mary and I went to Penny Saver for sandwiches and took them down to Pope Park to eat and people watch. Took me forever to find a parking place because 'no parking' signs were up everywhere at that end of town. I was told later on FB that it was because the Rakers are going to have their cars parked there during the film festival.  

The weather was nice all afternoon. I opened my gift from Mary (jigsaw puzzle) and after eating, we put the gift back in the car. I had a handicap sticker so we parked in front of the Legion. I took my walker as I knew I wouldn't be able to walk the whole distance without it. I also took what painted rocks I had left (maybe 8 or 9) and I hid them along the route we were taking.
I planned on taking a picture of everybody we met who we knew. There were lots of people down there yet the only one I knew was Paul Stafford who has the book store. A wonderful store by the way. He graduated with my daughter, Mary. I bought a crossword puzzle book.
Here's some of the pictures I took.  When I got home to download onto my laptop I was disgusted to find that my camera phone would take a picture and then take a video right afterwards. Mary told me later that you can't have the camera setting on "live" or that will happen. You can't see in the sunlight when you're using camera phones so I had no idea.

We went into a couple of art stores.Why I don't know as we certainly couldn't afford to buy anything.
I did take a picture in the back of one store (in the outside garden) of these art sculptures.

Crews were busy setting up for the film festival on Taylor St. Big mess. I took a picture of that and a cute dog nearby.

I wanted to buy at least something while downtown and what did I settle on? A pig. I used to have a lot of little pig knickknacks but I haven't been able to find any. I settled for this one made of resin.

Here's some of the pictures Mary and I took on our stroll along Water.  Hmmmm...It looks like this blog reverts back to normal font every time I insert a picture. They really need to fix that!

At Pope Park having a Penny Saver sandwich.
A Black Ball bus. We thought it might be for the boat people that were in.
20 crosses in the lawn at the American Legion
Mary in the candy store. We both bought saltwater taffy.
The ice cream store right next to it.
Big ole boat docked
Mary standing in the Adams St Park (which used to be a gas station)

Me standing near the outdoor beer garden or whatever the hell it is.

And that's it for my birthday walk. Tomorrow morning early I have physical therapy in Hadlock. I'll be happy when I'm done with the whole business of p.t. appointments. Not my idea of a good time.  It's 8 o'clock. Took me over an hour to post on this blog today. And now it dark outside. Gonna get my jammies on and have a bowl of ice cream.  

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