Sunday, September 18, 2022

Solving a Problem

 This morning I dug out my old keyboard and hooked it to my laptop so I can use it instead of the laptop keyboard.  After talking to my daughter, Mary about the problems I was having, she told me that I'm probably resting my wrists and hands on the keyboard and that is why the cursor continues to jump to previous lines that I've typed. It's been driving me nuts for months. Decided to test it out by blogging this morning and seeing if the curser stays where it's supposed to.  So far-- so good. Now I just have to get my fingers and wrists used to the keyboard. I have to push on them more but I'll stick with it-- even though I can already feel the slight cramping in my hands. Oh, life is so hard sometimes.  haha

Yesterday I dug out this cable cord that enables me to plug my laptop into my tv set and watch on the big screen. Amazon has some old Robert Mitchum movies that you can watch for free so I intend to give those a try. Also noticed I could play solitaire from my recliner. I like that as I've become addicted to freecell and klondike games.

I restarted sewing this morning and unfortunately I discovered (although I kind of knew it already) that I have no color sense. I want to make a table runner and decided on this flying X quilt square pattern. I was going to make 4 of them for one runner and cut out all the individual pieces I needed.  Sewed and pressed them together and once I had one square done, I realized it looked like shit!  The pieces are already cut, though, so I have to finish. I won't use them for the runner. I'll have to start over with better colors. Below is the picture from the book and how my first square turned out.

You can barely even see my windmill pattern. Darn it anyhow!  And I went so slowly measuring and cutting and sewing.

I think I'm going to enlarge the font here. I can hardly see it the way my screen is set back.
Let's see how this looks.  Oh, that's too much. Let me try another.
How about this?
Or this one?  Yeah, that might be okay.

My brother and his wife gave me some Costco chicken thighs for my birthday this morning. And some cookies. I immediately divided them into smaller baggies for the freezer. I do love having all that meat onhand.

I had some severe insomnia going on last night. I got up to read for an hour (and had cocoa and toast) and headed back to bed at 1:30. Still tossed for another hour. Moved to the recliner and slept until 7:30.  For some odd reason, I got up full of energy. I don't get it. I did up the dishes, vacuumed, did the crossword and wordle, baked 3 small loaves of banana bread (gave them all away), did some sewing, and worked on the computer sorting and organizing photos. I hope I sleep tonight.

I sure have enjoyed all the news about the Queen. I've always followed any newscasts on the royals. Way more interesting that the junk we're fed on our movie stars. Here's a fun video....

Not too much on my activity calendar this birthday week. Still can't believe I'll be 80 next year. Well, if I see another year that is. Tomorrow I'll see the foot doctor, Tuesday Mary Gaboury and I are visiting the research center to find out about this photo...

Friday is physical therapy (at 9 a.m.--UGH!) and Saturday is a memorial at the Elks Club.  The week after that is p/t again and a flu and covid shot on Tuesday.
Now I'm going to go work on my jigsaw puzzle. I am happy to report that my cursor jumping problem hasn't occurred during this post. I have had more than my share of transposing letters, though. You'd think I would be better at typing since I've been doing it since I was 15 years old!

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