Friday, September 30, 2022

In a Mood

I probably shouldn't post on my blog when I'm in a mood but I'll do it anyway. You can have opinions on your blog and I don't really care if people don't agree with me.  I suppose I'm in a bit of a snit 'cause I'm tired.  And my eyes and head feel stuffy ... or something?  I sometimes have eye issues where I feel like they're just not normal. They're not itching but I do feel "off."  Allergies perhaps and I half wonder if it's related to that episode of vertigo I had a week ago. I do have a doctor appt in a week and I'll have him check my ears to see if I have impacted wax. I know that can make your vision off as well as your steadiness. And I do have a bit of unsteadiness today. Had it off and on all week. Not vertigo but not real steady on my feet either. It's annoying as hell.

I woke up at 8 a.m. and I was so tired. Why I didn't roll over and stay in bed for another hour (or even two if I wanted to) is a mystery. I didn't have anything especially pressing to do but I guess I have this habit of thinking staying in bed too long is a bad thing. I need to get over that!  Anyhow, I got up and started my morning routine trying to wipe out the cobwebs in my head. I cleaned up the kitchen a bit and even rearranged the counter space. One thing I hate about my kitchen besides being tiny is that the cupboards are low. This is a unit for people in wheelchairs so the cabinets are lower. Normally, I'd think that's a good thing as I'm short and getting up into cupboards can be a challenge. On the downside, the cupboards themselves are also narrow. I have routines I have to follow to put away dishes and store them. But you go with what you get and just be happy you have a low rent apartment. And I never take that for granted!  

I pay $364 and that includes electricity, water, garbage, and cable tv. The washer and dryer down the hall cost $1.75 and $1.50 per load. I use them once a week. This apartment house has two laundries on each floor and that is also where you take your garbage. Very handy dandy. I don't pay in for any of the extras like the continental breakfast, the 1 pm dinner, the 5 pm soup, the bus, the cleaning lady, or the activities.  The bus isn't taken out much and you have to ask ahead of time for it. The maintenance guy and the cleaning lady (husband and wife) have both been off for three months because she had surgery. Due back Oct. 3rd I heard.  

The activities pretty much consist of this guy playing the piano once a week. And it's not pleasant to the ear music. Loud and grating and kind of classical. Not my cup of tea.  They have bingo once a week but from what I've observed, maybe half a dozen play. Not sure what the prizes are. I'll have to ask.  They also offer a movie in the living room on a big screen (about 3 times a week) but I'd just as soon watch in my recliner in my own apartment so I don't go to those. The movies are just DVDs in the collection and I've seen most of them anyway. The movies seem to draw the same amount as bingo does. There are 49 apts. here and the residents seem to come and go regularly. Either they pass on or move to other places. There are several I've never met and a couple I've never even seen. An awful lot of them (like me) pretty much keep to themselves. I know everybody on my wing, of course, and while we don't go to each others' apartments to visit, we are cordial in the hall and I occasionally take treats to some of them. And vice versa with four of them. There are mostly women here with maybe 13 or so men. I'm thankful I was able to find a place in Port Townsend that was available and within my budget. Sadly, too many people aren't as lucky.

I decided I'd go for a short drive around town hoping it would help wake me up some and I'd get some fresh air. Saw a sign coming into town that the Catholic church was having a rummage sale so I scooted on over there to see what I could find. I bought a set of Tupperware measuring cups even though I already have one set. I often wished I hand another and it was only a dime. I also bought a jar of rocks for a dime. Saw some pretty black ones in the bottom that I might be able to use with beach glass.

I wanted to go shopping for some black paint (for my rocks) and I figured I had a chance of finding some at two or three places. I went to Henery Hardware but was irritated that the congested and hard to maneuver parking lot had NO spaces available. I wasn't feeling steady enough on my feet to have to walk a distance to the door. Next I went downtown and I held up traffic trying to make a left hand turn into the plaza shopping area. Once in there, I circled around and there were NO parking places. Damn tourists!

I decided to come on home and go online like I usually do when I'm looking for something I need.  I turned onto Hancock off the highway and then I really got pissed off!  The road is a piece of shit to start with. Bumpy and not fun to drive on. So what does the city do?  Paint new white lines on each side of the road and put up a sign indicating that cars now need to share the one lane. Bicycle lanes were added  on both sides too. Now I'm a fan of bike riding and wish I could still do it BUT to make a road one way just to accommodate bike lanes doesn't sit well with me. If anything, they should have paved the road and make it nice to drive on. Then they could have put a new white line down the middle of the road. But fixing the roads in this town seems to be at the bottom of the list for the powers that be.

When I lay in bed at night I often think over ways I can economize my space here in the apartment. My kitchen area continues to agitate me. The low cupboards make using my toaster and my coffee pot a challenge. Since I seldom use my range top I decided that space would work well for me. If I do have to use the range top, I can easily move the two appliances. At least that's the plan I'm thinking of right now. We'll see how it goes. This area is higher because of the range hood. Not even sure why it has a hood because it doesn't work as an exhaust to pull out smells and stuff. It's just a loud fan. Strange.

I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix last night. LOU with Allison Janney from West Wing.  I can't usually find much of interest on any of the streaming channels but you can get surprised sometimes if you can get past what they've written in regards to what the movie is about.  I've always thought I could write better copy than what they have.

Well, time to get out into the living room and get busy. I should say the craft room. Besides my jigsaw puzzle in process, I have rock painting going on. Other side projects out there include counted cross stitch (at night while watching tv), knitting (just using up what little yarn I still have on hand), crossword puzzles (when I'm eating) and reading (when I think I can stay awake).  Oh, it's a hard life sometimes. haha

I'm better now. Just needed to get my frustrations out and writing is the best way I have. My birthday month is almost over and now I'm starting my 80th year. Lordy! Never thought I'd live this long with the bad habits I had in my earlier years.

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