Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday morning

It's about 8:30 a.m. as I sit here having my morning coffee. And already, I can see I have to make this font bigger. Too hard to see. Old eyes.

So let's try this.  Ohhhh...kind of big. How about medium?

And this is what I want. Have to remember to set it to that everytime I blog.

Am putting the foam mattress cover back on my bed this morning as I wake up with sore shoulders too often these days. It's something I do regularly. Put it on...take it off.  Just no pleasing me when it's bedtime these nights.  I move to my recliner at least once a night, sometimes twice. It's really pathetic but I'm adjusting.  This morning about 5:45 I "think" I heard the lady's tv next door on the other side of my bedroom wall. So I moved to the recliner as I wasn't ready to get up.  My dreams are becoming such a nuisance. Especially those early morning ones that come on after I've awakened and gone back to sleep again. And the one this morning was no exception. Annoying as hell as they're never pleasant and I'm often kind of mean in them. I wonder if that's telling me something. Ha!

The last couple of days I've been pouring on the steam to finish my obit book. I got it proofread (hope to hell I caught all the errors) and took it over to the Printery to get a hard copy so I could proof it again and see how it would look. The guy there (who I'm not totally in love with because of his abrupt manner) wanted to charge me $10 a book to print 50 or 60 copies. Yet it cost me $20 to print the one.

I won't be using his services as I only planned on charging $10 per book once it's ready to sell. I went online to check out as I used them for my last book (maybe my last two, I can't remember) Anyhow, for whatever reason, I can't figure out the specifications they want me to work on to make it ready to print. The terminology (for pdf files) has me stumped so I emailed them asking for help. I see I have a return message from them but haven't read it yet as I'm afriad they'll just send me more links to read up on.

Next Monday I'm going over to visit Mary and Dave Crozier and I'm hoping they'll be more knowledgeable about the pdf specification termonology so I can proceed to submitting it for print. I've got my fingers crossed as I really want to get this book off my "to-do list" so I can move on to sewing and rock painting and jigsaw puzzles and reading and blah blah blah.

I noticed when I went to the printery that my Raynaud's was flaring on my fingertips. It didn't think it was all that cold out so I don't understand why it was happening. Google says stress can trigger it too so I guess I'll have to accept I'm the stressful type.

 Thankfully, they returned to normal quickly....but it's still annoying!

Today I plan on working on some sewing projects. I cut out a bunch of 5" squares and need to sew them together and then cut various ways for more designs. Have other squares already cut too so basically, I'm just messing around. I started reading a book by Wally Lamb called "The hour I first believed." Hope I can stick with it as it is my intention to start reading more and watching less tv.  I talk big so we'll see....

Last night I came across this show on Paramount+ called 'The checkup' with Dr. David Agus. I watched about 40 minutes or so of a discussion with Marie Shriver and Oprah. Always interesting to listen to Oprah. I'll tune in again tonight to see other celebs discussing health issues.

I've got to run to Safeway at some point this morning to buy a Mega ticket. Waste of money I'm sure but I HAVE to do it. I have no expectations of being the big winner but if I could even get four, that's $500 and if you get four along with the mega number, that's $10,000. I'd be very happy with that.

I had mailed my cousin a Christmas/birthday card with check on Dec. 8th (in KY) and she finally received it yesterday!  Come to find out there's a whole lot of this going on country wide. I hope somebody can fix it. And the post office continues to up the price of stamps. Shameful!  Going to 63 cents this month.

We had a very annoying smoke alarm go off a couple nights ago around 6 pm. Some dingbat burned toast or something in her oven so the entire building had to exit. A very loud screeching alarm goes off in each and every apartment and you have to leave until the fire dept comes in to reset the alarm. This particular tenant is a nut case anyhow and I had words with her last summer.

Sure was sad to hear about Lisa Presley dying. What a life.  One of the worst shows I watched last week (and finally switched off because I couldn't take it anymore) as The Golden Globe awards. That guy they picked to emcee was a total jerk.

Here's a video I came across a while back. Loved it so much I sent for a Tom Jones CD. still my heart!

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