Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Just a note

 I've done my usual morning computer stuff (crossword, wordle, newspaper, facebook, hotmail, google) and I also managed to finish up breakfast, wash dishes, and get my cookie dough all mixed up and waiting for me in the fridge. Gonna cut out a couple of quilt squares before I head back to the kitchen to start baking. Am finding I'm having to sit down much more frequently in between stand up chores. A real nuisance but at least the pain goes away once I'm off my feet.

If it ends up that I don't get to have the back surgery because of my blood numbers, then I will just adjust to getting around with a walker. Doesn't make me terribly happy but the thought of not having surgery both appeals to me and doesn't appeal. I'll just have to wait and see how this all plays out.

I cancelled my HBO last night and of course afterwards, I found a show I know I would enjoy watching. True Detective. I've got HBO for five more days so perhaps I can binge watch. Or sign up for another month. We'll see. I am going to miss 'The Last of Us' but since I can only watch once a week, I'll just wait a few months until it's back on streaming and then I'll catch up.

I'm continuing to sit and read at least one chapter a day of Sacajawea. Sadly, it's very small print (and a very fat book) so it's going to take me a while to get through it. I also started in on Thorn Birds when I want something else to look over. I ordered another book by the author of Sacajawea called Prairie. It's also a very fat book but I like those kind of stories about pioneer days. As I recall, my aunt Velna was a fan too.

I've put one puzzle after another out to play with and then put it back in the box when I found it too hard or when I discovered the edge pieces weren't all there. I refuse to work a puzzle that doesn't have a border intact.  There are a lot to choose from downstairs but several of them are 1000 pcs and I'm hoping to avoid them for now. I may be forced to start in on them too, however. I like the 500 piece sets the best.

I've got the Tubi channel on tv right now. Charing Cross Road is the movie playing. British. Kind of enjoy the British stuff. Tubi is a pretty good channel. Free movies but you have to hunt to find something worth your time.

Sewing wise I have one lap quilt that needs to have batting and backing put on and I'll probably work on that this week. My smaller project is making various quilt squares from this book I have. My plan is to make four squares using different patterns but also using all the same 3 or 4 materials. I'll make them into a wall hanging with sashing and hopefully, the idea I have in my head will turn out the way I want it.  It's pretty much always a crapshoot with my sewing.

I'm still waiting for the blood doctor's office to call and give me an appt. I'll call my doctor back if they haven't reached me within a week. Nothing much on my agenda this week except to help my sister move across the hall on Sunday. My daughter and her husband are coming down from Port Angeles to help. Heaven knows I won't be able to do much just using my walker to push stuff on over. I'm hoping her son and daughter show up to help.

Well, I think I'll play a couple games of solitaire now and then get on to the task of cookie baking and material cutting. Shown below is another cat cartoon from FB and a picture of my daughter Mary and her friends at a casino recently. They get together for each others birthdays and this one was at Clearwater.

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