Saturday, March 4, 2023

Saturday afternoon

 I had to force myself up at 7:30 this morning although really I don't have to get up at any particular time. At any rate, I got up and started various things on my to-do list. Put the foam topper back on my bedl, cut a blanket in half that was too big for my bed and then cut the cut-off piece in half again, sewed it together and put it on the free table. Somebody might want it. I made up a small jar of tartar sauce so I'll have it on hand. (Mayo & relish with a dash of lemon juice).

I got out three quilt books to have by my chair so I can look them over and see what project I might want to do next. I ran to Safeway early and picked up a money order. They didn't have any, however, so I had to to  QFC.  Sent the money order off to my sister back east and wrote her a letter. Emailed a friend, posted on Facebook, washed up dishes, made some vanilla pudding (instant) and took some to the guy down the hall. Now if I get done blogging, all my little chores will be done and I can play with my jigsaw puzzle and nap. Will also get some reading in today. Sacajawea continues to hold my interest. I sent for another by this author called Prairie. It's a thick book but I'm sure I'll like it.

I went to get lab work a couple days back in preparation for my back surgery but when I went to my doctor to discuss the results, I discovered my platelet level is way too low to allow me to go under the knife. I was surprised how my depression lifted afterwards. I want to get the operation but obviously I don't at the same time. Now I have to wait for a hemotologist/onogolist to call and set me up for an appt. No idea how long that will take and no idea what to expect on how I can fix it -- or if I can fix it. Dr. Google was kind of doom and gloom but then he always is. One of the things I read was a list of foods I needed to start eating. Liver was suggested and since I've always liked liver I went to Safeway to see if I could find any. Usually, I can't find it at all. I asked Violet Nelson who works in the meat dept where I could find it and she led me to a frozen section. I never would have recognized the liver as it was packaged. I brought it up and split it up into five pkgs. Had a piece for dinner with onions and it was delicious.

I've had low platelet levels off and on for years but I guess they've been going down more and that can't be good. My daughter, Mary, is also dealing with some health problems with the brain surgery he had months ago.   That worries me more than my stupid platelet count.

Well, I guess I'll add the pictures I've saved to add to my blog along with FB things I thought were cute.

Here's my granddaughter Maddie who will graduated from the air force officers training next week. So proud of her.

This is a pattern for cross stitch in this book I got on classic paintings. This American Gothic.
Unfortunately, my end product looks pretty pathetic. I'm going to start a simpler pattern tonight as shown below. It's called Composition with red, blue,and yellow. I'm sure I'll have an easier time with it.

I love all the cat cartoons on Facebook.
Mary sent this one to me of Jake being a ham.
And I saw this posted this morning of the road going to the Hood Canal Bridge. Glad I'm not out there.

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